Current customers with active maintenance or subscription licenses can
upgrade to 3.5 for free.
1. Open Eclipse
2. Go to Help –> Check for Updates
3. Select FusionDebug 3.5.0 and follow on screen wizard!
On Nov 10, 10:57 am, "Gianna Benson [FusionDebug Team]"
<> wrote:
> New FusionDebug Release
> ========================
> Increase your development team's productivity! FusionDebug now
> supports IP Filtering, which allows breakpoints to only fire when
> connecting via a specified IP address. This makes it possible for a
> developer to debug and set breakpoints against a central server,
> leaving the system untouched and unaffected for everyone else.
> More on FusionDebug 3.5
> Upgrade Information
> Current customers with active maintenance or subscription licenses can
> upgrade to 3.5 for free. Other customers can purchase an upgrade by
> contacting Fusion Sales at