Fw: [Acc-skillshare] Emergency Community Webinar: Help Afghan Evacuees Reach the U.S.

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Kathy Glatz

Sep 22, 2021, 3:12:29 PM9/22/21
to Fusd Immigrant

Kathy J Glatz 
Free Palestine: Abraham was an Iraqi.
"For the first time, our power to destroy outstrips earth's power to restore."    -- Daniel Maguire

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jordan Garcia <jga...@afsc.org>
To: Kathy Glatz via Acc-skillshare <acc-ski...@lists.freedomforimmigrants.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 01:19:17 PM MDT
Subject: [Acc-skillshare] Emergency Community Webinar: Help Afghan Evacuees Reach the U.S.

Emergency Community Webinar: Help Afghan Evacuees Reach the U.S.

For the past month pro bono attorneys from across the country have been working countless hours to honor our government's promise to the Afghan people. As we try to evacuate those in Afghanistan fleeing Taliban violence, the largest road block we've run into is finding U.S. sponsors. There are hundreds of Afghan families who cannot file for humanitarian parole to the U.S. because they need U.S. sponsors. 

Join us on Wednesday, Sept. 22 at 7pm CST for an emergency community webinar where our panel of expert attorneys Mir Y. Ali, Mahsa Khanbabai, and Vivian Khalaf will go over the nuts and bolts of how you or your organization can be a sponsor for individuals and families seeking humanitarian parole. Registration is free and open to the public. You do not need to be an attorney to attend this event or sponsor an individual or a family! 

Register here: https://bit.ly/2Z5I3Z9

Co-founder, Product Manager

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