While he tries to make sure that he can make money off of furry
artists by harassing furry fans, hes also making sure he can make
money off of furry fans, but giving them NOTHING. Sure, some orders
were filled. However most of the money was just a "loan" until Nexxus
can "Pay the furs back" who "bought" the magazine. I dont think this
is right, and I for one will not stand for it.
Maybe the fans arnt want the fandom is about. Maybe its an artists
dom... The fans are nothing in his eyes, shit. If your not a furry
artist or a content creator you are NOTHING in nexxus's eyes. All he
wants is money and control.
He even said it.
"Its not about the money, its about control. Thats why Im persuing
these matters with the FBI. We have FBI feild agents out there who
are going to BUST you criminals and send you to FEDERAL PRISON!"
Hey nexxus, i got a message for you, from the furry fans.
Fuck you
Do you want to tell nexxus fuck you too?
Come down to on #furryxdcc
- we do it for the fans
[3:33pm] <+WTF-TokerX-0011> ** 1 pack ** 3 of 3 slots open
[3:33pm] <+WTF-TokerX-0011> ** Bandwidth Usage ** Current: 0.0KB/s,
[3:33pm] <+WTF-TokerX-0011> ** To request a file type: "/msg
WTF-TokerX-0011 xdcc send #x" **
[3:33pm] <+WTF-TokerX-0011> #1 0x [ 51M] FURNATION MAGAZINE 1-4 | | Fuck you nexxus :)
[3:33pm] <+WTF-TokerX-0011> ** If You Dont Like It!! We Dont Care!!!
[3:33pm] <+WTF-TokerX-0011> Total Offered: 51.1 MB Total Transferred:
0.00 MB
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> XDCC Server Active Sends:«1/1» Queues:«0/187»
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> Current BW:«11.5 Kbs» Record CPS:«29.4 Kbs by
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> #1 «25.3MB» Dr._Comet_-_Sketchbook_CD_2003 - (3
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> #2 «1.45MB» New new art! Pb and Jay folio ! The
sexy dudes from genus male! - (6 gets)
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> #3 «6.77MB» Genus61 <--- 0 day 11/07/03 - (4
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> #4 «4.94MB» Genus_59 <--- 0 Day 11/7/03 - (4
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> #5 «78.7MB» Genus's Anubis comic! Roxor het pr0n!
- (0 gets)
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> #6 «683 KB» James Hardmins Student Drivers 2 - (1
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> #7 «2.11MB»
[fxc]MaxTheBlackRabbit'sCaninePortfolio <--- NEW as of 11/8/03 - (0
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> Served:«3.09G» Packs Offered:«7»
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> MOTD: -= Brought to you by Starving Furry Artists
[3:30pm] <+FurFirst> Type:/ctcp FurFirst XDCC Send #<pack number>
[3:24pm] <+FoxBawt> XDCC Server Active Sends:«2/2» Queues:«2/5»
[3:24pm] <+FoxBawt> Current BW:«33.2 Kbs» Record CPS:«114.8 Kbs by
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #1 «51.1MB» Animal Magnetism I - (26 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #2 «42.5MB» Animal Magnetism II - (21 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #3 «49.1MB» Animal Magnetism III - (22 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #4 «3.46MB» Wild Zoo 1 - (25 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #5 «2.71MB» Wild Zoo 2 - (18 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #6 «2.74MB» Wild Zoo 3 - (18 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #7 «2.91MB» Wild Zoo 4 - (17 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #8 «2.67MB» Chris McKinley - (33 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #9 «2.67MB» Chris McKinley - Unreleased - Lion
King - (32 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #10 «9.41MB» The Steven Saber Collection - (35
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #11 «3.54MB» Skunkworks - Ups and Downs - (22
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #12 «3.49MB» Eric W. Schwartz - The Furry Problems
Portfolio - (22 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #13 «267 MB» Artists Sort - (0 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #14 «114 MB» (FEN)Al Mackey - (0 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> #15 «21.3MB» FurryFlash - (0 gets)
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> Served:«4.1G» Packs Offered:«15»
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> MOTD: -= Invision 2.0 Build 1816 =-
[3:25pm] <+FoxBawt> Type:/ctcp FoxBawt XDCC Send #<pack number>
Btw nexxus. We are gonna help yah out. If you want to check out whos
serving furnation magazines. Just go to and type in
furnation. It should show you a list of any file we are serving.
Fuck you :)
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
"GoldenWolf" <> wrote in message
> -I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n-
> -I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n-
Piracy? Can I join? I have an eye patch!
Who is Somone? Is that a pseudonym?
> While he tries to make sure that he can make money off of furry
> artists by harassing furry fans, hes also making sure he can make
> money off of furry fans, but giving them NOTHING. Sure, some orders
> were filled.
Now wait a minute....he took money for orders and filled some....
However most of the money was just a "loan" until Nexxus
> can "Pay the furs back" who "bought" the magazine. I dont think this
> is right, and I for one will not stand for it.
Hell, YOU didn't put any money in anyway.
Throwing shit at the fans?
> Maybe the fans arnt want the fandom is about. Maybe its an artists
> dom... The fans are nothing in his eyes, shit. If your not a furry
> artist or a content creator you are NOTHING in nexxus's eyes. All he
> wants is money and control.
That's true. He told me last week he was planning to conquer the world. Or
maybe he said he wanted an ice cream swirl...
> He even said it.
> "Its not about the money, its about control. Thats why Im persuing
> these matters with the FBI. We have FBI feild agents out there who
> are going to BUST you criminals and send you to FEDERAL PRISON!"
> -Nexxus
This has to be the next episode of CSI...
> Hey nexxus, i got a message for you, from the furry fans.
> Fuck you
I bet Nexxus is glad he's so popular.
> Do you want to tell nexxus fuck you too?
No, but I can think of someone else I'd like to...
> Come down to on #furryxdcc
> #furryxdcc
> - we do it for the fans
No, actually, you do it IN SPITE of the fans.
> Btw nexxus. We are gonna help yah out. If you want to check out whos
> serving furnation magazines. Just go to and type in
> furnation. It should show you a list of any file we are serving.
> Fuck you :)
> -GoldenWolf
By the way, when you bathe, do you take a Golden Shower?
Not by any definition of the law.
Let me fill in some information here...
First, all the intital orders that I received were shipped. 55 orders to
Europe were lost by the USPS. These orders have been reshipped with a free
issue of #4 included, and I am going down the list to make sure I didn't
miss anyone.
Second, a hand full (22) orders were placed, but I never received either the
money for them OR the information that the order was placed. This is a
PayPal glitch, and we have fixed it just last week. I will ship these
orders out next week, with a free issue of #4 included. My thanks to the
fur-friend that let us know about this, or I would have never known these
orders had been placed. We will not be using PayPal in the future except by
Third, Rabbit Valley has taken pre-orders, and I am in the process of
finishing up his boxes for shipment on Monday. He will have them mid-week.
I will not place Issue #4 for sale directly through FurNation until I am
certain that all original orders have arrived at thier destinations.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.536 / Virus Database: 331 - Release Date: 11/3/2003
Not so. Plenty of people have offered preorders, sometimes for
out-of-stock items, sometimes for ones that don't even exist yet, and not
much of a fuss is raised so long as the item is produced in a timely
manner or regular updates on progress are given.
If you just plain don't intend to satisfy the order, now, that's another
This is all getting interesting *nod nods* It's just like any other
computer war out there the "hackers"
playing the cat and mouse with the law. seeing how far they can get and if
they can stay ahead.
....Popcorn anyone?
<> wrote in message
Bite my shiny metal ass.. *asswiggle* People apparently don't seem to
listen very well.
"GoldenWolf" <> wrote in message
> -I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n-
> -I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n-
However, Nexxus did make a good-faith effort to deliver the works. The
ones that did not arrive were due to overseas customs issues which is
completely beyond his control and clears him of any criminal charges.
His attempts to send new copies to his overseas customers at a personal
loss is above and beyond what the law requires.
Stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it.
Unless you're MicroSoft in which case it's the industry standard.
-Mac user
Well, it was a customs issue, but I take FULL blame for it.....
I originally sent packages out in plain white envelopes, with the contents
protected inside of standard Fed Ex and UPS type cardboard mailers. These
shipped just fine and arrived very quickly to all who placed their orders.
But, alas, I thought I would try using ULINE cardboard magazine shipping
boxes. What I didn't know is that boxes are treated differently than flat
packages. I needed to include, even with them being sent as publications, a
statement of inventory with each package. This was my fault, and I take the
full blame for it.
The PayPal screw-up is just something that happened. It has been resolved,
and we are back on course. Biggest problem with this was that I had no way
of knowing who ordered, but I have the entire PayPal list now, so we can
ship them this week.
P.S. Since I am doing Print-on-Demand, I actually do not have the product
before the order arrives unless I print up a few boxes in advance.
He's selling prints, it doesn't matter whether he prints them before or
after you pay.
Remember to NEVER sell you furniture or other things I have to buy material
to make before I deliver it to you.
darned mettal asses.
*goes to get the can opener BWAHAHAHAAAA!*
Thank you very kindly for all this. Your forthrightness in all this show
those who wish to use it as a leverage point that to do so is just foolish.
If I may be so bold, for I know the problems of POD (trust me, for I do the
same :-) ) maybe preprinting a 2 week supply, based upon previous sales
history, may be prudent. You make a fine product, one in demand, so I do
not believe that keeping a very small inventory of them, long term, will be
a bad decision taking into account material and time costs (and those who do
not publish have /no/ idea the level of what those 'material and time costs'
quickly add up to!). Please do not find any offense in the previous
statement - I respect greatly what you do and the quality that you manage to
do it in.
Whilst I accept the apologies of Nexxus and others, I think the whole
situation has been handled very badly indeed.
I placed my order six months ago. When it did not arrive I sent several
emails - to which I had no response, not even a 'Thanks for your message
but get stuffed'.
Eventually I managed to get hold of Nexxus on IRC, to be told to fill
out a form online which was coming soon. It took a while, but
eventually it appeared on the Furnation website. I filled it in,
getting no response by email.
I waited. And waited, and waited some more, and started emailing again,
again with no response. Eventually I managed to get hold of Nexxus on
IRC again, to be told the orders were shipping the next day. (This was
in September).
The order didn't arrive, and still no sign of ANY emails to let me know
what was going on. Eventually I made my posting here to find out who
else was having trouble, and got enough responses to convince me that
the service I was receiving, was fairly standard.
I have now at last received some correspondence, but not before time.
To expect me to wait six months for an order to be fulfilled without
prior notification is ridiculous. To do it without sending ANY emails
to me to let me know of the situation is appalling. And to expect
someone to wait this length of time, whilst also putting pictures on
your website showing how you've spent money building new servers, is
rubbing salt into the wound!
All I wanted was an email to let me know what was happening. And later
- some kind of proof that it was coming. I don't think this was too
much to ask - but I didn't get it.
Many who work with Furnation or Nexxus have posted messages defending
his actions - however anyone trying their best would keep customers
informed at all times of any problems and delays - not keep them in the
dark and mislead them. I hope the above will go some way to
demonstrating beyond any doubt, that the service provided so far is
<snip... long story>
<nod> I understand, Badgerguy. Now here's where corcumstances conspired
against us all.
To begin with, FurNation underwent a move some time ago, a reaction to a
black mold infestation in Nexxus' apartment building. Combined with e-mail
troubles, phone companies unwilling to connect a T-1 or ISDN of any kind,
and the moving process itself, this resulted in Nexxus falling far behind in
responding to e-mails.
You say that the long silence is inexcusable, and Nexxus has already agreed
with you. He's very sorry about all the bother, and is doing his best to
make things right. Things just snowballed, and are now melting slowly.
Yours in Texas,
The wolfish,
"Where am I going? I don't quite know.
What does it matter *where* people go?
Down to the woods where the bluebells grow!
Anywhere! Anywhere! *I* don't know!"
-- a. a. milne
You know... Its one thing to complain about a problem. But why do most
people have to resort to swearing about everything and pointing fingers at
the great evil. Is it human nature to attack blindly without trying to find
a creative method of taking care of the problem? I am personally starting to
think so. Because while this idiot was spewing out small minded whining they
could have done something useful. But then agian those that seek the 'public
good' could care less couldnt they?
See ya around furs.
Rexx @ SPR
Oh... By the way. When you cut and paste garbage for links, make sure it
loooooks. Or else it makes you look like an idiot.