I was wondering if there is anyone else who placed orders for Furnation
Magazine via the Furnation website who has not received their orders?
I placed my order back in May and it still hasn't arrived! OK, so it's
an international shipment to get to me (UK) but still, this is
Although I don't know him personally I have found Nexxus to be quite
difficult to deal with. I've never received any responses to the emails
I have sent, and all I get when I speak to him on IRC are promises of
delivery that are never fulfilled.
I'm therefore wondering if there is anyone in the same situation, and if
so, could you get in contact with me via email;
Many Thanks and *hugs*
Yes, the same here. On October 16 I was promised a re-delivery, but
still have not received a thing, or any follow-up. E-mails regularly go
My order was for Issue 3, while I've been waiting a whole new issue has
come out.
I am extremely disappointed.
Yes, the same here. On October 16 I was promised a re-delivery, but
It takes A looooooong time for things to arrive...
When I order through Rabbitvalley, it takes almost 8 weeks to arrive.
Once it took only two weeks, but I don't know HOW it happened...
Even in express orders they take a long time.
I already had similar problems with Rabbitvalley, but now it's faster after
I went to local post office and explained in a "not so friendly" way why I
think they should have delivered the package sooner...
"Badgerguy" <badg...@badgersett.org.uk> wrote in message
The information on the site of which you speak is dated 28th of August,
and finishes with the statement "We are attempting to get all the
missing orders tracked down and re-shipped this week." This information
is obviously wrong and therefore misleading.
I have also had conversations with Nexxus on IRC. The last was dated
September 21st, in which he stated that orders were set to go the next
day, and that emails would be sent out to notify customers. The goods
have not arrived, nor did I receive an email. Again, this is
I am prepared to wait for the period you specify, but after this time I
will move toward seeking a refund.
In message <3FA42B2D...@rogers.com>, Nakira <nak...@rogers.com>
>There has been problems with overseas order of the FN Magazine due to
>improper forms being filled out when the packages were first shipped. FN
>has gotten many EMails from orders and couldn't reply to them all but has
>posted information on the site. Re-shipments have been made to everyone on
>his database of purchasers, so PLEASE give it another week or two before
>contacting FN again. You will get your order.