Hello Guy,
We switched to a new translation system that keeps the translation 'in sync' with the non-translated version. Good news is that it is a very nice system. Bad news is that the old docs do not automatically get recognized by the new system, so the translation needs to be re-entered again.
The new translation system has a nice interface for translating docs a 'snippet' at a time which helps anyone with fluency in the language assist with translation.
The basic info on how to use it is to log in, and then go to "Actions" -> "Translate" from the Install/fr page. You will then have a new interface to translate the document piece by piece. As people update the main English doc, now translated portions that have not been changed will be kept, and the changed parts will be marked as needing re-translation.
Let me know if you have any questions about the new system. I added some info about translation to the lower left of the main
www.funtoo.org wiki page.