Hey all,
Sorry about not being around. I have spent the last day or two cleaning a few things up (mainly around the azure stuff).
I will also be working towards a new release over the next week or so.
FYI, we will be transitioning to github as our primary repo very shortly.
Is now removed, I have deleted the Azure project and we will be going with the Azure websites option and not supporting an Azure worker role project. I have the Azure SDK installed everywhere, so let me know if you still require it.
FunnelWeb is now running on MVC4, and I have also replaced ClientDependency with bundles.
If you want to deploy to git, simply run ‘Deploy_To_Git.ps1’, I used this to deploy to Azure websites (but you can use this script to deploy to AppHarbor or any other provider who supports git deployment!):
Command line is:
Deploy_To_Git.ps1 –init -updateConfig –dontBuild
Drop the switches you don’t want.
-init – Initialises a new git repo, then pushes. Without this switch, the script will clone, copy all the new files across, commit that update then push.
-updateConfig – Opens my.config in notepad before pushing, giving you a chance to update the config
-dontBuild – Doesn’t build funnelweb before running deployment, good for simply updating config
To get a storage account just create a new storage account.
The URLs are funnelweb /get urls. i.e http://localhost:54860/get/Scrum_Guide.pdf, this will cause a redirection to the actual blob URL.
Sure is. Clone away. Let me know if there are any issues with the upgrade. I know my theme is broken, but I have a local branch fixing it up (it has other issues and needs to be fixed properly…).
Jake Ginnivan
Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)
+61 403 846 400 | jake.g...@readify.net | @JakeGinnivan
To get a storage account just create a new storage account.
The URLs are funnelweb /get urls. i.e http://localhost:54860/get/Scrum_Guide.pdf, this will cause a redirection to the actual blob URL.
Amazing theme! Would you share it? :P I suck at design and am rather jealous right now.
Jake Ginnivan
Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)
+61 403 846 400 | jake.g...@readify.net | @JakeGinnivan
From: funnel...@googlegroups.com [mailto:funnel...@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Xavier Decoster
Sent: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 7:02 PM
To: funnel...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Funnelweb update
I started moving my blog to FunnelWeb last Friday, if I had known I'd have waited a few more days :)
If you want it in the core send us a PR J
Aaron Powell
MVP - Internet Explorer (Development) | FunnelWeb Team Member
http://apowell.me | http://twitter.com/slace | Skype: aaron.l.powell | Github | BitBucket
From: funnel...@googlegroups.com [mailto:funnel...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Xavier Decoster
Sent: Friday, 2 November 2012 7:13 AM
To: funnel...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Funnelweb update
Thx guys!