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Tanya Phung

Dec 11, 2024, 9:44:43 AM12/11/24
to FUMA GWAS users
Dear FUMA users, 

This is a friendly reminder that our team will be on winter holiday starting from Friday December 20 2024 until Monday January 6 2025. During this time, we won't be monitoring the google user group. Any questions/issues will be addressed after January 6 2025. 

In addition, moving forward, due to limited personnel, and in order to balance between supporting users and adding new features/fixing bugs/maintaining the site, we will prioritize questions that cannot be answered from other resources such as: Troubleshooting guide and Tutorial

Finally, FUMA is a free service we provide for the advancement of science, this also means that there is a limited amount of computational resources to go around. At any one time there can be a maximum of 8 jobs running. If there are many jobs being submitted, the jobs will be in the queue. 

Thank you for understanding,
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