Filtering GWAS output by pvalue prior to submission

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Daniel Rodriguez

Mar 19, 2023, 12:21:35 AM3/19/23
to FUMA GWAS users

I submitted by GWAS output and got some ok results. But when I submitted my GWAS output only including SNPs that reached p<0.05 in my GWAS, the genes and pathways were a lot more in line with the clinical outcome measured in my GWAS.

I understand that the pvalues from MAGMA will be artificially inflated but is there a way to still use these results? Is there a reason why you still include very insignificant snps in the analysis?

Thanks so much!

Tanya Phung

Mar 20, 2023, 10:53:15 AM3/20/23
to FUMA GWAS users
Dear Daniel, 

Thank you for using FUMA and for your message. 

MAGMA is built based on a model with the p-values from all of the variants included. Therefore you are right that when you are selecting a subset of variants based on significance of pvalues, it's going to bias the model, and the results might not be reliable. 

I would suggest that you consult the manual of MAGMA ( and if you still have additional question, feel free to send a message to the developer of MAGMA. 

Thank you,

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