Option to Drag to Highlight Group of High-Priority Tasks

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Henry Webb

Feb 1, 2024, 6:29:20 AM2/1/24
to Full Screen for Google Tasks
Hi, I love this app and use it all the time - thank you for your work on it.  A lot of times I have five or six tasks at the top of my list that I need to do immediatly.  It would be awesome if I could use my mouse to drag down and highlight that group of high-priority tasks.  Or if I had to click to select on the ones I wanted to highlight that would work too - but I think the ability to drag to highlight would be faster and easier.  So after a group of tasks were highlighted they would have a different color background - like yellow or red, etc., maybe the user could choose the color.  And then when that task was marked completed the color would disappear and the task would drop into the completed items list, leaving the other highlighted tasks still highlighted.
The above would let me very quickly and easily glance at my task list and see exactly which tasks I need to get done immediately.  (I realize I can do this by adding date and time details to tasks, but this would be a lot faster and easier.)
Just a thought and thanks again for a great app,
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