Any plans to add import/export features?

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Eric Herberholz

Jan 4, 2024, 6:01:17 PM1/4/24
to Full Screen for Google Tasks
I love Google Tasks, and Full Screen for Google Tasks, but not everyone uses them. Some people use Trello, Monday, Asana, and others.

So, are there any plans to add import/export features?

Reg B

Jan 6, 2024, 8:37:25 AM1/6/24
to Full Screen for Google Tasks
Trello, etc - are quite different feature sets through - 
You can use Kanbanchi if you want that sort of Trello stuff and remain in the Google ecosystem.
I tend to use Google Tasks now because I can print to PDF and see all the tasks and rewrite the whole lot using a popup GPT to get a simplification of the rough notes.

What if it is segregation?  
1. google tasks for tasks (active)
2. Notion for docs and similar 
I was using clickup and that was just overboard - so I'm guessing you can use Notion for projects (Gantt, files, docs etc)  but there is a problem on my part this solves and that's not banging out loads of short thoughts, rough notes etc and messing up my Notion filings

There are some spoken note services coming on board too and I have found unstructured notes working with a chat bot excellent eg. asking give me a list of x y z due this month
give me a list of emails to do etc.
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