some minor suggestions

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Oct 2, 2021, 11:38:38 AM10/2/21
to Full Screen for Google Tasks

Just wanted to mention this extension is very handy, and I am really liking it.  

Couple super small tweaks to aid in reducing clicks and cursor movement:

1.  The icon to create a new task "+" currently resides at the bottom of the screen.  It would be helpful if it were moved towards the top of the screen because the new task is created at the top of the screen.  This reduces having to chase where the cursor needs to go to start entering that new task.
2.  When I 'Add a subtask' it would be nice if the cursor could then be automatically moved to that new subtask if at all possible.  As it is now the cursor stays where it was and I have to click into the newly created subtask to start typing.

Yes, these are super minor!! But these teeny tweaks would streamline this extension slightly more, and I'm all about reducing clicks/cursor movement when I'm in the 'zone'

Thank you

Full Screen for Google Tasks

Oct 2, 2021, 3:48:20 PM10/2/21
to Full Screen for Google Tasks

As for 1, I may be able to improve it in a future patch. For now, you could press Enter to insert a new task at a location where you want.

As for 2, you could use Alt-Enter to insert a sub task and also move the cursor.


Oct 2, 2021, 7:50:03 PM10/2/21
to Full Screen for Google Tasks
okay, thanks for info.  appreciate it
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