Tag "Free Wifi" with FindNZ and Zenbu

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Mike Pearson

Jun 8, 2010, 5:03:46 PM6/8/10
to TheFreeNet - Aotearoa
If you have an iPhone, you probably use Find! NZ, to find services
around you. Its data comes from Zenbu.

I have asked Jay (author of Find! NZ) to add "Free WiFi" as a
category. He's done a search and there are only 36 records tagged at
the moment.

In order to make this work, everyone has to put "free wifi" in the tag
field as they discover entries that offer free wifi. Its very easy to
do, just search for the business entry on FindNZ, then hit the "Edit"
button to update Zenbu.

Obviously you should only tag services genuinely offering "free wifi",
ie exclude hotspots offering first 5 minutes free, and then you pay;
or people who have accidentally left their wifi open.

Once this is done, he can think about adding a "Free WiFi" category.

Find! NZ, http://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/find-nz/id311117200?mt=8
Zenbu, http://www.zenbu.co.nz/

Regards, Mike Pearson
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