Fwd: Non-motorcycle entity speak out against CALM....

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Jul 28, 2011, 9:30:40 PM7/28/11
to FS Bikers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Non-motorcycle entity speak out against CALM....
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 17:42:12 -0400
From: Candy Alexander

Hey Everyone,

I just have to share with you this Letter to the Editor that was
published in yesterdays' paper (New Hampshire Union Leader, page A7). I
wonder where the line is drawn on their need to stop motorcyclists. I
would LOVE to know if there ARE any vets that are part of this
organization!!! IF you have nothing to do on Sunday, I've attached the
flyer for the run to this email. I know I'm going….you? I can not
think of a better cause, than our Vets!!


To the Editor: My name is Bill Zarakotas and I am the program director
at Liberty House. Liberty House is a transitional residential facility
for honorably discharged homeless veterans of the U.S. military, of whom
there are approximately 600 in this state.

On July 17th, I was informed by a motorcycle organization located in the
seacoast area that CALM (Citizens Against Loud Motorcycles) is
encouraging individuals from New Hampshire not to participate in a
fundraiser that this group has planned for July 31, due to the noise
that these motorcycles generate.

The point should be made that the proceeds from this fundraiser will be
going to our homeless veterans program here at the Liberty House and any
actions taken by CALM with regard to making this event unsuccessful will
have a direct bearing on our ability to purchase food for our homeless
veterans in New Hampshire

I don't expect CALM to waver a bit on its stance with regard to this
issue. I would offer, however, the following: If any CLAM members are
veterans themselves, they should be ashamed of themselves. If not, they
should be especially thankful that there are those who put their lives
on the line ever day to protect their freedom to file petty grievances
as they apply to motorcycle noise.

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