Fwd: !_REMINDER_! Important NHMRO Meeting *THIS* Sunday!!!

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Aug 12, 2011, 5:02:55 PM8/12/11
to FS Bikers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: !_REMINDER_! Important NHMRO Meeting *THIS* Sunday!!!
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 12:56:23 -0400
From: Candy Alexander

Hi Everyone,

This is a reminder that there is a NHMRO meeting Sunday, being hosted
by Milford & Company at their clubhouse at 69 Oak Hill Road in Weare.
If you need directions, let me know! It is really important that all
of you who can attend, do so. As you may have seen in the news (both
paper and TV), things are heating up on the noise issue and only promise
to get worse from here.

For those of you who can't make the meeting, I'll give you the quick and
dirty on what you need to know and hope that you can join us at the next

There is a group of individuals who are located on the Seacoast, whom I
refuse to mention by name from this point forward. Doing so would only
lend them credibility. These individuals are extremists that are
unreasonable and are dead-set on getting us off the roads out at the
seacoast. Their means of doing so is through the guise of motorcycle
noise. We have been warning motorcyclists here in NH that they will not
stop until their mission is complete and they will go to any means
possible to accomplish that.

The important thing is to have all our members realize the fact that we
have another battle coming up in Concord. Those people who wish to
"quiet" us have vowed that if they don't win this year, they will
continue to fight until they do. They have LOTS of time, money and
motivation! It is time for us to put the troops on alert and be ready
for the call to action. We must stay on top of this and be prepared for
the long haul.

I hope to see you Sunday and hope that you bring anyone you know with
you that cares about the possibility of losing the 106 dB limit. I
have attached the article (on this very topic) we submitted to the New
England Biker News for your reading pleasure. You thoughts, comments
and suggestions are always welcome!

Until then….Ride Free, Ride Safe and Ride Respectfully my friends!


Candy Alexander
Vice President
*N*ew *H*ampshire *M*otorcyclists' *R*ights *O*rganization
Phone: 603.320.3654


Update from NHMRO (New Hampshire Motorcyclists Rights Organization)
Candy Alexander, NHMRO Vice President

Ah, the dog days of summer at last. I can’t believe that the summer has
past so quickly. I guess that’s what happens when you are busy, and
NHMRO has definitely been busy!

Our latest has been trying to work with folks on the noise issue –
still. I say try, because it just doesn’t seem to get through to a lot
of people. I cannot say it enough; if WE do not take care of this
problem, there are people out there who will take care of this for us
and we won’t like it. Not one bit.

We can enforce our own, or “they” can do it for us. If you know someone
who has straight pipes, remind them that we are ALL suffering because of
it. If you are riding with someone who is “revving it up at” every
chance they can get – remind them that we are all suffering because of
it. You get the picture – it’s plain and simple, we need to take care
of this issue ourselves!

Here in New Hampshire, we are fortunate to have the most liberal decibel
level limit of the nation, yet we have folks that feel that 106 dB is
just not enough. OR that they have to ride like crazy people to get
that attention that they must crave. Well, they are getting it –
attention from a LOT of people, including those who will go to NO end in
achieving their goal of making us quiet. No matter how long it takes or
how much it will cost. They are determined.

NHMRO has heard reports of the “voluntary road blocks” in the seacoast
region of NH, and that individuals who are not compliant with our law of
106db are being issued Defective Equipment warnings that must fixed or
have it reported to Concord (with loss of registration). To be honest,
I think you are getting off easy. You could be slapped with a $300 fine
AND have to get it fixed!

If you are borderline on your dB’s and you ride to the hot-bed home of
those who are “extreme anti-motorcyclists” (being the seacoast), then
you might want to remember to ride respectfully and use common sense
with “throttle management”! Remember the slogan from our friends in
Massachusetts – “when in town, throttle it down”?

We have come to the time where it is oh, so critical to KNOW what your
dB level is. If it is not within the 106 limit (remember, NH has the
MOST liberal level), then get it fixed. Plain and simple.

Now that that’s been all said – you have to know that the motorcyclists
here in New Hampshire WILL be facing another Noise bill. You need to
pay attention to this one. The word is that this bill will propose that
NH adopts the same law that California has with the EPA requirement for
exhaust systems; but with one catch – motorcycles manufactured after a
certain year will be grandfathered only until it has to be serviced.
THEN, it must become compliant with the EPA requirement. Not sure about
you, but I really don’t want to lose the 106db, never mind to have to go
with the EPA thing.

We were labeled as being “fierce opposition” in a local news article on
the subject and I think we need to prove just that. We need to be
fierce and show our strength in numbers. Remember that you do have a
say in this – through your representatives! It is never too early to
begin to know who your rep is, begin conversations with them about your
position (politely) and then when the time comes, our rep’s will have no
doubt that we can and will FILL that representatives hall in the State
House for a hearing, if it comes down to it.

If you aren’t a member of NHMRO, then there is no time like the
present. You can even join on the website! We have many members who
join when there is a battle in Concord, but it is important to remember
that NHMRO keeps you informed all the time. After all, with knowledge
comes power. And */we want to be fierce/*.

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