Pro Libertate: Of Bidens and Bikers: Does Anybody Remember Derek Hale?

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Sep 11, 2012, 3:47:10 PM9/11/12
"A fragment of folk wisdom dubiously attributed to Bismack informs us
that God watches out for 'fools, small children, and the United States
of America.' During a campaign stop in Seaman, Ohio, Joe Biden’s
proprietary blend of foolishness and childishness may have proven fatal
were it not for the intervention of Providence – or, at least, the close
supervision of the Secret Service.
Biden inflicted himself on customers enjoying an otherwise pleasant
Sunday meal at Cruiser’s Diner. Acting on the familiar and entirely
unwarranted assumption that Mundanes delight in being pestered by their
tax-engorged overseers, Biden struck up a conversation with a group of
bikers 'in black leather vests and bandanas,' as Politico recounts the
event. ..."

"... The biker milieu isn’t to everybody’s taste. Like every other
private association, biker clubs do occasionally attract people inclined
toward violent crime. Clear-eyed social observers would conclude that
innocent people are far safer in the company of bikers – including
members of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs – than in the company of police. ..."

Relatedly, 'Sons of Anarchy' returns tonight at 10 on FX...

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