Fwd: NHMRO event reminders - CORRECTION!!!

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Nov 11, 2011, 1:43:02 AM11/11/11
to FS Bikers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NHMRO event reminders - CORRECTION!!!
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 08:20:10 -0500
From: Candy Alexander

Hey there!

I need to send out this correction to the dates of our events. It seems
in my feverish writing of the email below, I fat fingered the wrong dates.

The dates are for THIS WEEKEND. Spaghetti Dinner is 11/12 and the
meeting is 11/13. Sorry about that!!!

Thanks to all of you who reported that - at least I know some of you are
reading these (ha ha ha)….

See you all this weekend!


From: Candy Alexander
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 10:17 AM
Subject: NHMRO Update and event reminders!!

Hello Everyone!!

Seems like a long time has passed since the last update, when actually
it has less than been a month! Man, what can happen in a month is
amazing. The older I get the faster time fly's by. You know the old
saying - there never seems to be enough time to get done all the things
I need and want to get done. I'm also amazed that it is November
already! What happened? Seems like I was just out enjoying my ride
yesterday and now we've been hit with a major snow storm and I (okay, my
husband) has to shoveling our bikes out!!?! Just doesn't seem right.

But, it is November and this is the time of year were NHMRO starts to
reminds you to renew your membership. If you have let it laps for some
reason - it's time to join again. We've made it easy for your to
renew/join - you can go online to our website, see us at a meeting or
the old fashion way of filing out a membership app in our pamphlets and
send it in through the email. The important this is that you sign up! We
keep saying it - WE NEED YOU! This organization is all about YOU, your

As you've also heard - we are preparing for another year of a "noise
bill". Because you belong to this organization, you know it is coming,
and you know that the "party" proposing this bill is very determined in
pushing this through. We need to counter that - by making sure all of
you are in Concord with us when it comes time for the Committee Hearing
for this one. The "other side" will be looking to fill the house with
their supporters. Let's face it - THIS is something we are VERY good at
- we have filled the house before and we need to do it again. It is a
small price to pay (a vacation day from work & gas to Concord), but the
payback is HUGE.

There is no doubt, that when we show up in Concord, legislatures know
WHO we are. There's no mistaking us for the average Joe Citizen. Not
because of how we look or the clothes we wear, it is because of the
number of us who show up!!! We need to keep reminding Concord that we
pay attention to what's being done up there, and that we will take
action if needed. That action includes attending hearings and VOTING. We
vote them in - we can vote them out. They know this.

So, couple of things we are counting on you for:

1. You need to renew/join NHMRO if you haven't already. I've seen our
membership list and I know that I'm talking to a few of you right now.
You need to stay connected to what is going on up in Concord. Let's face
it - there is NO better way for you to say informed with the items
concerning you as a motorcyclist, then through this organization.

2. You need to help us spread the word - what NHMRO is all about and why
EVERY motorcyclist who rides in this state needs to join. It's not just
for residents of this state. It is for all that ride here too. Ask any
of the "out of state-rs", why they ride here and I bet you it all comes
down one way or another to - freedom. Freedom of choice of wearing a
helmet. Freedom knowing that they are riding in a motorcycle friendly
state… Just like the saying goes - freedom isn't free. All riders need
to help support this effort if we want to have it continue.

3. You need to prepare to take the day off to attend the hearing. We
will let you know as soon as possible as to when that is, so you have
plenty of time to "put in" for that day. Look at it this way - it's
almost like a family reunion when we go up to Concord. If you haven't
been before - you will want to see this in person. It's quite a thing!

Okay - now that I got THAT out of the way. Let's talk about the event
calendar. Two big NHMRO events this month. We are having our Annual Fall
Spaghetti Dinner on November 12! Yes, it's back. This is promising to be
better than ever! The Deerhead in Hooksett has graciously offered to
host the dinner. Dinner will be served from 6:00 - 8:00 with a live band
playing from 6:00 - 10:00. The Deerhead will also be having their Turkey
Shoot all day and evening. If you've never been to a Turkey Shoot, it's
pretty simple and no bow/arrows or camouflage is needed! You simply get
a ticket for every drink you buy and a number is drawn ever hour for
someone to win a Turkey. All this fun can be had for a $10/per person

The second event will be the November General Meeting that will be held
the very next day (12/13), also at the Deerhead in Hooksett. As we
mentioned earlier - we need our members to attend the meetings, hear
what's going on and then help us spread the word. We should have an
update as to the latest going on in Concord, so you won't want to miss it.

I guess that's it for now - again there is MUCH going on. We are doing a
lot, but could do a lot more with help from you. Help spread the word,
volunteer to help us out with a simple task - whatever you can do. We
are wanting to bring back the "newsletter", but we need help. Your Board
of Directors is now at a very mean and lean level and to be honest - we
could use a little bit more weight with volunteers to help us on some of
this stuff. Newsletter, getting pamphlets out to shops,… you get the
picture. Don't be shy - see one of the Board members (or send an email).

See you next weekend (12/12 and 12/13)! Until then - Ride Safe, Ride
Respectfully and most importantly - Ride FREE!


Candy Alexander
Vice President
New Hampshire Motorcyclists' Rights Organization
Phone: 603.320.3654

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