Fwd: NHMRO's LEGISLATIVE ALERT - Last minute details!

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Feb 4, 2012, 5:05:56 PM2/4/12
to FS Bikers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NHMRO's LEGISLATIVE ALERT - Last minute details!
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 11:49:53 -0500
From: Candy Alexander

Hey Everyone,

Okay - this is it. We are just a couple of days away from the hearing
on HB1442 "Relative to Motorcycle Noise Emissions" and we are calling on
all motorcyclists in New Hampshire to attend the hearing at let it be
known in Concord that motorcyclists do pay attention to what's going on!
After all, we have a tradition to up hold, especially after filling the
Hall beyond capacity two years ago. We need to show that same sign of

So - we need you, your friends, brothers and sisters to come to the
State House on Tuesday, February 7th for the 10:00 hearing. GET THERE
EARLY! We will need you to sign the "blue paper" that will ask if you
are "for" or "against" the bill HB1442. If you remember from 2 years
ago, this takes a little bit of time when you have a large group like
us! There will be someone there to help with this and answer any questions.

If you plan to speak, please remember that you will need to fill out the
"pink/red" card. It will ask you the same question - if you are "for" or
"against" and then, how long you will need to speak. Let me just ask
that if we have the crowd that we hope for/need with a lot of speakers -
keep it somewhat brief - like 3 minutes or so. BELIEVE me, after going
to the hearing last week on Rider Education, it is appreciated by the
committee members when there are a lot of folks who want/need to be
heard. I encourage you to express your position on the issue, just keep
it brief.

Now, let's talk about etiquette in the "gallery". As many of you who
have done this before, you will already be familiar with these things
and can help spread the word:

• Hats are NOT be worn in doors, especially in the
Representatives Hall. It is important to show respect for the
institution that provides us the freedom of speech and our liberties.
After all, this is where it all happens.

• Be respectful of whom ever is speaking at the time - and
do not boo or heckle. If you don't like what they say, you don't have
to like it - but they have the right of freedom of speech like the rest
of us. We'll have our turn!

• No clapping or auditable sounds of approval either. This
is a formal proceeding, kind of like in court - we are just "observers",
and if we aren't speaking or testifying - we need to do just that,
observe. Believe me - the legislators will know our position on the
bill and as the old saying goings - silence can be profound. Just BEING
THERE, sends an incredibly LOUD message to legislature.

• I've also been asked to remind you to DO NOT TOUCH any
items that may be in the pocket in front of you, it really isn't the
song book for hymns that you used to find in church (ha ha ha). It is
material that the legislators need and it would only cost the tax payers
to have new copies made up….

• We've been asked about "attire", I would say that you
should wear whatever you usually do - i.e. vest, jeans, etc. Just NOT
the "holey - greasy" jeans, if you can help it.

• Last but not least - no knifes or guns. I know I didn't
have to say it, but I did. Please, leave them in your car if you have'm.


I know a lot of you know where it is, however I am hoping that we can
get those that have never been before to go! Believe me, if you've
never been - you will want to be there! It is a sight to see; 500+
motorcyclists filling the Representative's Hall.

• GETTING THERE: Either way you will come on 93 - you will
want to get off at the "Loudon Road" exit and head up towards "Main
Street". Take a left at the light and you will be heading south on S.
Main street. After 1 block - the State house is on your right.

• PARKING: Not going to lie, it can be tricky finding a
parking spot. There are "on street" parking spaces all around the state
house, but you will need to keep feeding the meter. There is a parking
garage on School Street (second right after the state house) and that is
"meter parking" also. If you don't mind walking a block or two; there
are shopping plazas on "Storrs Street", which runs parallel with S. Main
Street. If you took a left at the light on Loudon Road and are heading
South on S. Main Street - take Depot Street, or Pleasant Street Ext.,
on your left and follow to the end (one block) and you will see the plazas.

• WHERE WE WILL BE: You can enter the State House from main
entrance on S. Main St. or from the entrance on N. State Street (behind
the State House). Once you get inside, we will have folks directing you
to the 2nd floor where Rep. Hall is.

That's about it for now. Phew. Remember; we are going to be asking
you to contact your state representatives when/if this bill goes to the
House floor for a general vote. So, your work isn't done on the 7th,
and if you can't make it on the 7th, you can still help us/yourself out
by contacting them once you get word from NHMRO.

I hope to see you ALL up there and remember - BRING YOUR FRIENDS,

Candy Alexander
Vice President
New Hampshire Motorcyclists' Rights Organization
Phone: 603.320.3654

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