Fwd: NHMRO - Call to ACTION!!!

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Feb 17, 2012, 12:39:38 PM2/17/12
to FS Bikers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NHMRO - Call to ACTION!!!
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 12:23:22 -0500
From: Candy Alexander

Hello Everyone,

Just when we thought we could take a little bit of a break from all the
craziness, some last minute maneuvers have been pulled and we need to
take action by TUESDAY (2/21)!


Please make contact with your State Representative by email or phone and
let him/her know that you support the recommendations of the House
Transportation committee for HB1503-FN (Rider Ed) and HB1442 (Noise)!!
It doesn't have to be anything fancy - just make contact!

*WHO's MY REP:* To find out who your rep is, click on this:
http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/wml.aspx or cut and
paste into your browser. It will list their name and address. IF you
click on their name - it will display their phone number and email also.

*WHAT IS HAPPENING: *As you know there were a couple of motorcycle
specific bills this session. Two of which, NHMRO has been actively
working on behalf of the motorcyclists of NH (YOU). The two I am
speaking about are

1) Rider Education(HB1503-FN): where there is a bill in place to
eliminate the state run/self-funded training and just allow for private
schools. The impact: it will cost anyone who wants to receive the rider
training triple than what the current cost is for the state program.
That means less people who can afford to take the training and then not
take it period. That means more accidents and a future helmet bill.
NHMRO is a STRONG supporter of the State program. Heck - NHMRO was
instrumental in getting the program here in the 1st place. We can't let
this go.

2) Motorcycle Noise Emission Control (HB1442): Okay folks, we make a
great statement in Concord by all of us being there for the hearing.
NOW, we must ask that you let your representative know your position -
what you want. It has gotten a little confusing, but I will try to
explain it briefly. The original bill was to have the "EPA label"
requirement; which by now you know if not realistic. Next, there was an
attempt to apply an amendment that would wipe out the EPA label
requirement and replace it with SAE J2825 testing procedure. The
sponsor of the bill added that amendment, BUT then added another
statement saying that there would be no roadside testing, that a police
officer can pull you over just because they *think* you are too loud and
then give you a citation of sorts to have your bike tested at an
inspection station. Now, thing about it. Police pulling you over
because they "think" you may be loud, then you are mandated to get it
inspected (at your cost) and prove your innocence? This is what Maine
currently has, and let me tell you - it's not working. We need to have
SAE J2825 testing as the amendment - period.

Spread the word, we need to make sure our Representatives know what the
people who they represent want.

Candy Alexander
*N*ew *H*ampshire *M*otorcyclists' *R*ights *O*rganization
Phone: 603.320.3654

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