Fwd: Update from NHMRO! Getting ready for the big one!

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Jun 3, 2011, 2:03:53 PM6/3/11
to FS Bikers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Update from NHMRO! Getting ready for the big one!
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 13:55:05 -0400
From: Candy Alexander

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope that everyone has had a chance to put a few miles on this year!
Spring's been rough, but Memorial day weekend wasn't too bad at all!

I'm sending out this email update because there is a LOT going on as we
approach Motorcycle Week (or Bike week to some of us)…. Below is
the article that is in the New England Biker News. I'm including it
here with a little embellishment since a) I know not all of you get that
paper and b) there are some good updates that I need to let you know
about. WARNING - this is a long email but worth the 5 minutes it will
take you to read it!

Can you say Whaa-hooo!?! The 88^th Laconia Motorcycle Week is only DAYS
away. I say it every year – it’s not what it used to be and that I’ll
probably just go up for the day. But then when I think about the one
year I did do that, I was miserable. For any motorcyclist in the New
England area, Laconia is a special place for us. Let’s face it - it is
the *original* place where motorcyclists go to have fun. Let’s not
forget – it was the 1st Bike Rally and still one of the top three! Just
to go and do the “people watching” thing and see all the bikes is a good
time. If it wasn’t – we wouldn’t be doing it.

There is one down-side, the fact that there will be accidents and some
may be bad. Every year it saddens me to hear about the accidents that
happen. That often it is the of the motorcyclists’ careless riding that
causes the accident. Drinking and riding because people are having a
good time and don’t think that just one more will hurt… is just wrong.
I hope that all of you who are coming up to the rally this year think
about that, ride responsible and think before you drink. Park the bike
and hide the key before you let go and have fun. Yes, I know… you’re
saying that it is BIKE week; but ask yourself how much riding do you
*really* do? And when you do go out for the ride - it's around the lake,
or up to the Mount Washington – take it easy, that’s all.

There are some options if you want to head down to the Weirs to have
some fun and not take the bike, which would mean you don’t have to worry
about parking, sitting in traffic when it’s crazy and so on.

By all means - don't forget our big blast - the 3rd Annual NHMRO
Motorcycle Week Kick Off Party!!! Let's show them how it's done here
with OUR rally!! This year we are definitely going with the
"celebration/fun" theme! I just met with our friends up at Markis'
Lobster and Steak House on Rt. 106 in Concord and we've got all kinds of
great stuff planned! As we've mentioned previously - there will be live
music by the Red, White and Blues Band which is a favorite with our
members and of course food. They are planning a special something for
our event and will be cooking it right outside for us - something along
the lines of a BBQ - and not so much the typical fare of hotdogs and
burgers… we’re going bigger! We also have raffles and other things
planned that you can win great stuff…

The celebration will start at 1:00 (band @ 1:30) until 6:30 or so
outside and then will move inside with ANOTHER band! So, if you come
for a couple of hours or plan to spend the whole day/night with us - we
promise to keep you entertained!

AND it doesn't stop there. Makris' have a week full of activities
planned such as live music every afternoon/evening, promo's, an Antique
Bike Show, Bikini Bike Wash and will be the unofficial home of NHMRO for
Bike Week. Be sure to check out their website (www.eatalobster.com
<http://www.eatalobster.com>) or their Facebook page.

*DISCLAIMER:* We do not advocate drinking and riding or riding buzzed!
We feel that you are all adults and KNOW when to stop. Please - be
mindful of that. We care about you!!!

There will be a very special event following the 2nd Annual Ron Meade
Toy Run sponsored by NHMRO (see website for more info). Ron Meade was a
huge advocate of motorcycling and motorcyclists in the lakes region and
one of Ron's favorite places was Makris'. They will be hosting a party
in Ron's memory with activities planned all afternoon/evening. So plan
on spending the day with us - beginning with the Toy Run which takes off
at 10:00 a.m. from the Meredith High School and ends at the NHMS Track.

There is train service from Meredith and Lakeport, both going to the
Weirs, and then there is a shuttle service that I hear will be running
again this year. The shuttle has pre-defined pick-up points just
outside the Weirs and shuttle you to where all the action is. I have
used this in the past and it is a good time. Think about it – a bus
full of bikers, all in a great mood and looking to have fun! I can only
say that it was like no bus ride I’ve EVER taken before (echoes of bus,
magic bus are heard in the back of my mind as I write this). And, when
we took the bus, I didn’t have to sit in traffic with the bike heating
up, deal with people with little to no riding skills trying to navigate
their way through the crowds and I was able to have just one more
without fear of getting on the bike and becoming a statistic.

And don’t forget - all of you who are heading up to the 2011 Bike Week,
please stop by on the 1^st Saturday (6/11) to help NHMRO Kick-off the
week with a great party at Makris Lobster and Steak house on Rt 106.
We’ve got a great blues band (Red, White and Blues), raffles, 50/50 and
some good down home BBQ cooking. All the fun and activities begin at
1:00 p.m. and will carry on until 10:00 p.m. or so.

So, now that I’ve got you all pumped up and ready to go for Bike Week –
here’s the latest on what’s going on in our state from a legislative
perspective. Noise is still a hot issue in our state, usually out at
the Seacoast area, but you know Bike Week just may bring up a few
complaints about noise.

As for those of who, who have been tracking our proposed legislation
during this session – I have a brief update for you on the 4 bills that
would have the most impact on street riders.

1) HB (House Bill) 148 which is relative to prohibiting the State of New
Hampshire to accept federal funding for motorcycle only checkpoints – it
has passed! As you may remember, this is in response to the NHTSB
providing funding to states that perform motorcycle only checkpoints
causing motorcyclists to be pulled over for “safety” and then being
checked out for other things.

2) SB (Senate Bill) 66 which would change the fee for non-residents of
New Hampshire for the Motorcycle Rider Education – passed. 3) SB29
which would also create a special 3-wheel motorcycle endorsement –
passed with amendment. 4) HB171 which prohibits the liquor commission
from imposing restrictions on on-premises licenses relating to clothing
or appearance of patrons or employees (Including motorcycle attire,
tattoos, etc.) – this has been retained in committee (Commerce and
Consumer Affairs). Rumor has it that the Representative who proposed it
will be working with the Committee Chair on the wording for the next
legislative session. So, it’s not dead yet.

Don't forget our membership initiative - for every 5 new members you get
- you get a year membership free!

I guess that wraps up another month’s update from NHMRO. NHMRO wishes
all of you a great time at whatever rally you go to - Motorcycle Week,
Americade and Harley Rendezvous… See ya there!

Until then, ride respectfully and ride safe my friends! We don't need
any more fatal MC accident statistics!


Candy Alexander
Vice President
*N*ew *H*ampshire *M*otorcyclists' *R*ights *O*rganization
Phone: 603.320.3654
*Check our website and Support our Sponsors = They Support YOU*!

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