Fwd: Update from NHMRO...

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Feb 25, 2011, 7:45:20 PM2/25/11
to FS Bikers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Update from NHMRO...
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 15:09:03 -0500
From: Candy Alexander

Hey Everyone!

Happy Friday! I trust everyone is enjoying the snow. Okay – I’m being a
wise ass. I hate it.

It’s been a while since I’ve sent out a good update with things that are
happening with the organization. SO – here it is.

1^st . It is NEVER to late to RENEW your membership. I know you are
probably saying to yourself, “why should I renew? I get all this info
anyway”. Well, it simple. We need the numbers. We NEED YOU. As they
say – there is power in numbers and it makes us a force to be reckoned
with when we say that we represent the majority of ALL motorcyclists in
this state. I can tell you – we have some room to grow on that goal.
So PLEASE, renew or get some folks to join! As a special incentive, we
have a membership drive deal for you. If you are able to refer/get 5
NEW members to join, you will receive a year membership for FREE! So,
come on – help us to help you.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way, there are lots going on. I want
to thank all the members who came out to our February, it is really
great to see some familiar faces! Believe it or not, it helps keep us
motivated on the board… to know that you care, so we care. Okay, I’ll
stop with the sappy stuff.

There are a few things happening up in Concord that you should be aware
of. I’ve updated our website today to include the new bills. Of special
attention is the first one listed (HB 148) since it ties into the
article just to the right of it on the website “CAUTION! If you are
RIDING down to Daytona…” There is some nasty crap going on with various
states who are running short on the cash/budgets and trying to
supplement it with the “grant” from the NHTSA. Just makes me all the
more thankful for our beautiful state and the meaning of Live Free or Die…

Another bill listed there is SB69 which has turned out to be
“inexpedient to legislate. This might be a good thing for the way it
was worded had me worried and I’ll tell you why.

The bill essentially would permit 2-wheeled vehicles (such as
motorcycles) to proceed through an intersection after stopping for a red
light. At first glance that sounds like a great idea. I’m not sure
about you, but I HATE having to sit at a stop light and wait for a car
to pull up behind me to set off the trigger to change the light. I
almost feel like a target to get rear-ended. Being the rebel that I am
(ha), I have found it necessary to go through a red light after waiting
for a change to green that never comes. I have always done so with a
cringe… Kind of gets me going to think that I am putting myself in
jeopardy because I can’t trigger the light to change and will sit there
until a car comes along!

Now, let’s look at it another way. The bill as written, would have
motorcyclists stopping at a red light – looking both ways (maybe) and
then going for it. Regardless if it is a right turn, left turn or
straight ahead. You KNOW that there are some out there that would see
this as an opportunity to play “Chicken”. Then we would have the folks
who say that they are looking to protect us and make us safe will push
for a mandatory helmet law. It may seem like it’s a stretch,
unfortunately I don’t think it is. So, let’s look at **what the problem
is**: motorcycles and other 2 wheeled vehicles do not have enough mass
to trigger the traffic signal. Why are we looking to ‘band-aid” the
problem with this bill rather than re-wording the bill so that it
requires all traffic signals be triggered by ALL legal motorized
vehicles? Perhaps they will take it back to the drawing boards and
start with a new approach to this problem NEXT year.

As for our social activities, well we are going deep to plan a kick-ass
party for the 3^rd Annual Bike Week Kick-Off Party. We are very excited
to have Makris Lobster & Steak House host our event this year, which
means we will be on a highly traveled route to Laconia and should get
some good visibility and traffic. Be sure to mark your calendars for
this one – June 11^th from 1:00 – 10:00 p.m. It’s going to be a really
good time with music, food and great company!

We are also beginning to plan a fundraising ride for NHMRO that will
happen sometime in July. We will keep you posted on that. It too will
be sure to be a good day. Next will be our “Summer Meeting” in August
(10^th ), which our dear old friends Milford & Company have graciously
offered to host and there were hints to a BBQ.

That’s about it for now, keep your eyes out for the new “Ride
NewHampshire” magazine that should be due out sometime in March! Keep
us posted of anything that you feel we should know about. If you have
any events planned and would like to have them listed on our website,
just let me know. And last but not least – come to a meeting and let us
know how we are doing or at least feel free to send us an email with any
comments or concerns you might have.

Until then, stay warm and be safe my friends.



Candy Alexander
Vice President
**N**ew **H**ampshire**M**otorcyclists' **R**ights **O**rganization
Phone: 603-320-3654
Email: candy.a...@nhmro.org
/*/~Dedicated to the Freedom of Choice since 1975~/*/

Thanks to the NHMRO Proud Sponsors!
**Platinum Sponsors**
Joseph A. Ritzo – Attorney at Law – Makris Lobster & Steak House
**Gold Sponsors**
Ted Bantis Trucking & Excavating - Laconia Antique Center
**Standard Sponsors**
HK Powersports of Hooksett – Older Bikers Riding Club - Rockin Rick's
Tattoo Shack

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