Fwd: News from NHMRO - May Motorcycle Awareness, News from the Seacoast, and more!

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Apr 30, 2011, 2:33:31 PM4/30/11
to FS Bikers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: News from NHMRO - May Motorcycle Awareness, News from the
Seacoast, and more!
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 13:26:05 -0400
From: Candy Alexander

Hey Everyone!

Looks like we are in for another great weekend for riding and soaking in
some of that great fresh air! It's been a while sent I've sent out an
update email - sorry about that. Life got in the way!

Lots of stuff going on - we've hit our annual "May Motorcycle Awareness"
month and we've update our website with some interesting videos for you
to check out. All of us at NHMRO hope that you take safety very
seriously when riding this season. Pay attention, don't drive buzzed
and ride respectfully.

NHMRO has been working on a couple of things making your membership work
and provide value to you. We have cleaned up the email distribution
list to contain members only. SO, if you hear anyone mentioning that
they no longer receive these emails -now you and they will know why. We
have also been working hard to make it easier for you to renew or join
NHMRO by setting up PAYPAL on our website!

We've been in touch with Police Chief Brain Page of North Hampton to see
what we can expect this summer in the Seacoast region. He was kind
enough to provide an open letter to our membership, which is located on
the bottom of this email. We've also talked with Al Contios from
Seacoast Harley Davidson and he let us know that the fees that were
order by the court by the CALM group would be put into an awareness fund
rather than back into the business. Pretty cool huh? Hey, you gotta
admit that they are really working hard out there on the seacoast to
make the best of the noise issue - we need to do our part and keep it
respectable and keep it OUR choice on exhaust having EPA labels or not -
not theirs.

There are a lot of events coming up this year…. an important event is
being held on Sunday for a little girl who is 12 years old and needs to
have dialysis until a new kidney is found for her. If you can - please
stop by theAmerican Legion Post #7 - 94 Easter Ave, Rochester from 3-7.
Keep an eye out on our website as new events are being added weekly.

The last thing I'd like to mention is that we on the NHMRO board have
been working hard for a couple of years now to bring this organization
back to a healthy level - and I think we are just about there. However
- (you knew there would be a however…) - we need help. We could really
use some volunteers to help us out on the board, with our events and
even just spreading the word. I have been doing this volunteer stuff
for a long time now (even before this gig) and I cannot tell you how
much fun it is, how many great people you meet along the way and how
many new friends you make. I really hope that you consider helping us
out by volunteering for something. This organization is based on
volunteers and is only as good as the volunteers we get. So please,
give it a thought and let any one of your board members know if you can…

I guess that's about it for now - remember our meeting this month will
be on the 22nd at the Deerhead in Hooksett.

Until then - ride safe and ride respectfully my friends.


Candy Alexander
Vice President
*N*ew *H*ampshire *M*otorcyclists' *R*ights *O*rganization
Phone: 603.320.3654

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