Contact owners and managers
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Welcome to the Far South Coast Birdwatchers mailing list!
This list is a place to report bird sightings and events around the Bega Valley Shire on the Far South Coast of NSW. 

To join this group send a request to the list managers for approve. Once you're approved, you can post and reply using whatever email client you prefer. Messages sent to the mailing list are copied to all of the lists members. To protect your privacy, you can control how your user information and email address are displayed on this list.

If you are logged into a Google account, you should see a button labeled  'Apply to join group' button above. If not, or if you do not want to use a Goggle account, 
send an empty email request to fscb+subscribe@googlegroups.com without a subject or body. You should receive an automated reply confirming your request. When you agree to join, you can also configure how you want to receive messages.

For more information on Far South Coast Birdwatchers, Inc. activities and publications, visit http://www.fscb.org.au/.

List Rules
Please observe the following rules for posting on the FSCB mailing list:
  1. Stay on-topic.
  2. Use descriptive subject lines.
  3. Be polite.
  4. Do not send commercial messages.
  5. Enjoy!
Important Addresses
Below are addresses and links for various mailing list tasks:

To post to this group, send email to fscb@googlegroups.com (subscribers only)
To subscribe to this group, send email to fscb+subscribe@googlegroups.com (send a blank message with no subject or body)
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to fscb+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com