FRX2Any Version 14.02.00

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May 7, 2018, 2:40:57 PM5/7/18
to FRX2Any

I have been able to get my reports to merge together using FRX2Any but now when I run around 100 reports, I get an error saying that the object FRX2Any.PDFFile does not exist.  I can delete the partially created PDF file and start it back up and it runs fine again for a while then errors out with the same error again.  I think it may be that I am not releasing the objects correctly between reports.  I tried just creating the object in the beginning and reusing the same object with filling in the properties for the next report but then I only get the first report repeatedly and never the second or third page in each statement.

These reports are commission statements for our customers and may consist of as many as 5 or 6 reports merged into one PDF statement.  I will have over 35,000 customers that need these statements created.  So only running for small amount is causing me considerable problems.

I can't find any documentation on what the release method actually does or whether I should release the object with the VFP RELEASE command or how all this should work between new PDF file creations.

Please help.

Marat Chariev

May 7, 2018, 2:53:09 PM5/7/18
to FRX2Any

Randy, you need to release FRX2Any object between calls. Do not reuse same FRX2Any object. Here is the schema  how you can use FRX2Any to merge newly converted to PDF file report with an existed PDF file:


1.       Convert 1st report into PDF file – 1.PDF. Release FRX2Any object.

2.       Convert 2nd  report into PDF file and merge it with  1.PDF,  newly created PDF is  - 12.PDF.    Release FRX2Any object.

3.       Convert 3nd report into PDF file and merge it with  12.PDF,  newly created PDF is  - 123.PDF.    Release FRX2Any object.

4.       Convert 4th  report into PDF file and merge it with  123.PDF,  newly created PDF is  - 1234.PDF.    Release FRX2Any object.

5.       Convert 5th  report into PDF file and merge it with  1234.PDF,  newly created PDF is  - 12345.PDF.    Release FRX2Any object.


And so on.


May 10, 2018, 7:31:56 AM5/10/18
to FRX2Any
Thanks Marat, I will give this method a try!
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