Cooper's Endoscopy

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Nov 21, 2008, 6:18:09 PM11/21/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Hi Liz,

Wishing you luck on Monday for Cooper's endoscopy hopefully you don't
find anything to report in the endoscopy and just have to wait for the
biopsy results to tell you if you have any enzyme tolerance.


Ethan is trying cheese today, wish me luck.

Liz Clifford

Nov 24, 2008, 5:10:56 AM11/24/08
Hi Jo-Anne,

Just wanted to know how did Ethan go with the cheese?

Also thanks for the good wishes and thanks for thinking of us and telling us
about the sugar free sports drink. I went and bought some but will try it
with Cooper tomorrow.

I also wanted to find out where you buy your lamb sausages from...what


Nov 24, 2008, 5:20:43 AM11/24/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Well it's over, Cooper had the endoscopy and biopsy today. He did so
well, we waited for a long time we started at 11.00 and left the
hospital at 6.00pm. Cooper didn't ask for food or drink he was too
busy with the toys and arts and crafts, and even Clown Doctors came to
visit. The worst part was holding him while they put him under
anesthetic...he had gas first, his little body went so limp and his
eyes rolled back in his head and he struggled. Then he finally fell
asleep. I left the room then.

Anyway Dr H. said they found no damage during the endoscopy...all
looked good. So that was fantastic.

The Doc told me he is testing for lots of things. Including Small
Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth, Celiac's (Dr doubts Cooper has this),
enzyme levels and a myriad of other tests. So we will know more on the
8th December that is our next appointment.

I'm glad it's over...for now.


Nov 24, 2008, 11:25:17 PM11/24/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Hi Liz,

I'm glad things went well with Cooper's Endoscopy.

I buy my sausages from Food Land and I think they don't contain sugar.

Chloe and Ethan both tried a cheese sandwich on saturday. Ethan
complained of a tummy ache but didn't seem to fussed about it.

Chloe spent two nights screaming her head off and now has been
diagnosed with a lactose reaction and tonsillitus. The doctor want to
see her on Wednesday night to see if she improves.

I've had my test for fructose mal and had a tummy ache as soon as I
swallowed the liquid (10gm of fructose). Not good. I feel sorry for
Ethan, now that I have had the test. Chloe is going to have her's on
Jan 19.

Hope all is well there.



Nov 25, 2008, 12:28:12 AM11/25/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Hi liz,

I'm so glad everything went well. I have been so busy with Jaimee so
sorry I didn't get to wish u luck. Jaimee has tonsilitis and 2 ear
infections and she just got over tonsilitis 2 weeks ago Looks like we
are soon headed to see and ent specialist. my son was sick for a year
with ears and throat infections until we finally got them removed and
gromits in his ears. He did not gain wait for a year and was so sick
so I don't want Jaimee to put up with these problems on top of the
stomach issues. Grrrr. Do you think ears and throat are related to the
food or do u think they just have weakened immune system from lack of
vitamins etc?????

You must have cried seeing poor Cooper so vunerable when he went
under. I know when Liam went under I cried as it looks so awful when
they fall back like a rag doll and u feel helpless. I think I was the
one needing the comforting lol but it's all good and hopefully you
will get the results on the 8th and can get more answers. Have you
heard from Matt at all???

It looks as though we may have to post pone catching up until after
the new year as I am so busy and xmas is just around the corner. I
have also had lots of drs appts etc. I damaged my pelvis somehow when
giving birth to Jaimee and no one knows what it is. I have been
preoccupied with all of Jaimee's drs to worry about myself so am now
trying to get that diagnosed. Have had ultra sounds, xray, mri then
next thing is a bone scan(yuck!) also am going on holiday next week to
halls gap which should be a well deserved break. I shall speak to you
all very soon xxxxx
> > Ethan is trying cheese today, wish me luck.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Liz Clifford

Nov 25, 2008, 5:38:17 AM11/25/08
Hi Jade,

Oh you poor love and dear little Jaimee. I bet you have had little to no
sleep with her tonsilitis and ear infections on top of everything else.
Let's hope the specialist can sort that out quickly. With the ears and
throat thing...a friend of mine took her little toddler to a natropath
(alternative medicine) to get his problem sorted. She didn't want him to
have gromit's in his ears for some reason. The natropath took him off dairy
and wheat and put him on some sort of herbal medicine and it sorted him out,
he never had to get gromits put into his ears. I really don't know if it was
coincidence or that it really worked. I think in the case of Jaimee it's
probably partly related to the food and weak immune system. I think diet
plays a huge role in our health as we have all found out.

You sound like you experienced the exact same thing as me when they go under
anesthetic. Tears were welling in my eyes and I wanted to just run away with
him in my arms.

I have heard from Matt, he is back at work and in a wedding so he said sorry
but he is snowed under. He would be happy for you to email him though. Just
let me know if you want to do that?

You mentioned to me (us) last time we met up that you were not feeling good.
Sorry to hear that you have been through all those tests. Hope they get to
the bottom of it soon. Don't worry about the catch up...there is plenty of
time next year. Right now it's crazy for everyone of us.

I really hope you enjoy your holiday...try to relax as well and catch up on
some rest. (Is that possible with kids :>)
Different surroudings will do you the world of good.

Talk soon

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of jadey
Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2008 3:58 PM
To: Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
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