Coopers Biopsy Results

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Dec 8, 2008, 5:47:10 AM12/8/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Well we went to get the results of Coopers biopsy today. In a nutshell
it’s good news. Some conflicting results from the tests, which was a
concern. However, the Gastro doc had his reasoning for it. I guess he
should know he has the letters after his name, not me.

Cooper’s Enzymes are all working Sucrose, Maltose (starch) and
Lactose. I asked why his breath test was positive for Sucrose (twice)
and his explanation was that the Small Intestine is the size of a
large Football oval. We have gone to the oval and picked out a blade
of grass. Taken the blade of grass back to the lab put it under the
microscope. We can see the blade of grass is healthy, but we can’t
assume that all of the grass on the oval is healthy. It might have
some dry, sick patches. So, he said that basically the sucrose biopsy
might not be 100% accurate. He just told me to add some sugar back
into Cooper’s diet and be dictated by his reactions to it. e.g.
stomach aches.

Cooper had no bacterial overgrowth of the small bowel, no Celiacs, no
yeast problem. He did have inflamed esophagus, which indicates that he
is refluxing. So they have given me reflux medication. So we have to
trial that for 4 weeks.

So, right now I feel grateful that he has nothing seriously wrong with
him. I asked him if Cooper will outgrow the Fructose Malabsorption.
His answer was, NO they don’t grow out of it in general. However, as
he grows his digestive process will slow down giving the Fructose more
chance of being absorbed. So he should be able to tolerate more as he
gets older. Let’s hope.

As an end note: During the time we were waiting for Coopers Biopsy, I
had to leave wheat in his diet. As soon has he had the biopsy I
started to cut back the wheat and over the last 2 days he’s had none
at all. As a result of that he has had virtually no stomach aches and
no night waking. I probably shouldn’t speak so soon. It almost seems
to good to be true. I live in hope that it continues this way. I had
almost forgotten what it was like to get a full night’s sleep. It’s
been fantastic.


Dec 8, 2008, 7:34:23 AM12/8/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group

It good news that Cooper's results were good and the reflux can be
treated. Ethan's results for lactose were also negative under the
biopsy but he can handle less than a piece of cheese without getting
tummy ache, so don't go too fast with the introduction of sucrose on

I'm glad the wheat removal has worked with Cooper so far fingers
crossed :)

I saw my gastroenterologist Dr Sandy Craig today, I'll fill you in
more later but I will be having an endoscopy & colonoscopy done in
January - but there may be hope that the fructose and lactose
malabsorption is only temporary - "irritable bowel caused post
operative" he said, he thinks this is only the tip of the iceberg for
me though uh.

Dr H needs a good push in the right direction - like you said it is
like pulling teeth trying to get anything out of him - Dr Craig was so
easy to discuss the matter and options available.




Dec 8, 2008, 9:09:27 PM12/8/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
So glad to hear that they did not find anything serious during Coopers
biopsy. I hope that treating him for reflux will bring positive
results. It's also wonderful to hear that taking wheat out has also
helped him. I guess not wonderful because that means more
restrictions, but it's always great when we see our kids feeling
better. Hopefully with time and recuperation he will be able to
handle small/limitted amounts of wheat still.

Enjoy the sleep ... it's such a treat when we do get it! :)

Liz Clifford

Dec 9, 2008, 3:34:54 AM12/9/08

Funny how you warned me not to go too fast with the sucrose. I wish I had of
got your email yesterday. I got over excited and went out and bought Cooper
a packet of those dairy, wheat free lemon biscuits, I think they are called
Eskel. This was straight after Coopers appointment. Anyway, I gave Coops one
and he had a tummy ache for over 3 hours last night. Terrible result. I was
so annoyed. I just don't know what to believe any more.

It sounds like Ethan had the same result with the lactose (cheese). It makes
the whole result from the tests so confusing. So we are back to square one,
little to no sugar.

I saw the dietitian today and she really had about as much information as Dr
H, I think I would find more on the internet. All she did was give me a few
more recipes. She just said 'I think he will grow out of it' as he gets
bigger. What a cop out!

You are so right about Dr H. he really needs to provide patients with more
informtion and options. When I walked away I was releived about Coopers
results but felt like I had no real answer or direction.

I would be very interested to hear more about Dr Sandy Craig. What do you
mean temporary (gee that sounds promising). Fill me in when you can. I might
give you a call tomorrow at home. If you are not at work.

Hope the kids are well.


Dec 10, 2008, 9:48:32 AM12/10/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Hi - my son is 4 and on a hopeful note he is defintely more tolerant -
he can have things now and will have a restless night rather than
night wakings. If he goes to a party rightly or wrongly we allow him
to have what he likes and suffer the consequences - when he is older
he will be able to make a more informed decision i guess of what he is
willing to tolerate in the name of sanwiches, sausage rolls and
cakes!!! Louise
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