Another Fructose Positive Test Result

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Dec 1, 2008, 2:25:47 AM12/1/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Hi Girls,

I went to get the test results today for my fructose hydrogen test
last week.

I tested positive. Life sucks - as you know with your own kids.

Chloe is being tested in January.

Guess I should stop eating (what's left) - but chin up and I'll work
it out as I have with Ethan.

Kind regards,



Dec 1, 2008, 3:42:58 AM12/1/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Sorry to hear that Jo-anne. That is no good at all!!! So does that
make almost your whole family fructose Mal? Is your husband ok? Jaimee
has gone downhill again. In a month she has had tonsilitis twice and 2
ear infections. The antibiotics has given her the runs and vomiting.
She is back down to 8.4 kgs! They have said once more and I am in to
see a specialist to have them removed and gromits in her ears. She is
in so much pain the poor thing. Screaming for 4 hours non stop and
Bashing her forhead on the ground in pure frustration. I am so tired.
I really just want some answers but I know I have to be patient. In
saying that the patch test showed she had delayed reaction to milk
protein, soy and wheat so I still have to keep her on the same diet.
Oh well on holiday soon but hope she gets better. Hope everyones
little ones are ok and not suffering too much. Life is just not fair
to have so many little ones in pain. :(


Dec 2, 2008, 4:24:43 AM12/2/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Poor Jaimee, its not fair that the medication has to make her more
sick (is there any chance that they can change the type - ethan does
well on Sugarfree Bactrim even though it contains sorbitol), that's
what Chloe's on at the moment too. I bet she is tiny at 8.4kg back to
skin and bones :(

If Chloe's test comes back positive in Jan then it will mean that 3
out of 4 of us are Lactose & Fructose Malabsorbers (with milk protein
as well for Chloe). Graham is fine he had a mild dose of food
poisoning (though it did last for 5 days) and wasn't admitted to

Do you have private cover? Chloe's tubes in her ears would have cost
us $1100 if we didn't have cover or she would have been put on the
waiting list to have it done publically. Her earaches improved but
she still gets tonsillitus (3rd time this year). I hope they can fix
her up quickly - they will delay having tubes etc done if she has a
fever on the day (as we found out) it took us 4 months to sort it out
once we got the go ahead).

Life has to get easier for all our families - fingers crossed that
next year will be better.



Dec 8, 2008, 9:02:45 PM12/8/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
I am so sorry to hear that JoAnne ... it must be so discouraging. The
only positive side is you know so much already that it will hopefully
be easier to figure out and have your symptoms settle.

I am thinking that I should also get tested for FM. I'm seeing
symptoms that relate back to high fructose foods. It is minor and
would not mean a huge change in my diet ... I'm more curious to know
if I have it to see the genetic link. As well I wonder if there is a
genetic link in the severity. If I do have FM it is very mild and
even liveable (as they believe many of us do have it but don't realize
because the symptom are mild). The only reason I even consider
testing for it is b/c it's already in the family ... otherwise I would
never have clued in that when I get gas it seems to be relate to a
food or drink that his high in fructose. It also makes me wonder
about some of my odd symptoms when I was pregnant. I wonder if FM
gets worse during pregnancy as it definitely did for me if that's what
I have. I sort of think that maybe if I test positive it will give me
more ground to say that FM is not likely the main reason for my kids
concerns ... not to say I'd give up on the diet, but maybe loosen it.
We are definitely thinking Rebecca's symptoms may not all (if at all)
related to FM ... more on that when I have time (or read the blog
sometime soon, I hope to get an update out one of these days).

Anyways, I hope that you can find a manageable diet.


Dec 8, 2008, 9:06:09 PM12/8/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Poor Jaimee. Refresh my memory on how old she is again. Somehow I'm
thinking she's around the same age as Matthew which is 16 months and
then I'm thinking that 8.4kg doesn't sound all that good ... but maybe
I'm remembering wrong. I can only imagine how tired and frustrate
you must be. I hope you manage to have an enjoyable holiday with no
sicknesses and lots of rest and relaxation.

> > Jo-Anne- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Dec 11, 2008, 6:05:26 AM12/11/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group

Okay now I have a little time to update you all about my trip the
Gastroneterologist and Dietican.

The gastro dr said he thought that my fructose and lactose
malabsorption were masking the issue of an underlying cause (fructose
and lactose mal being the symptom not the cause) and that when the
cause of my post operative irritable bowel was fixed or treated, my
fructose and lactose malabsorption should improve.

He is performing both an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, as he said that
the diareah should have gone away instantly after the fructose and
lactose was removed from my diet. He's thinking along the lines of
celiac/crohens disease and something else (but I can't remember what
it was).

He also recommended that I take metamulsol.

My only concern about the colonoscopy is that I hope he doesn't find
bowel cancer as it runs in my family (grandmother, her cousin and aunt
all had it).

So its good news about the fructose and lactose but we'll see after
the tests :(

The dietican gave me a more livable diet, which I plan to start on
Saturday but as it contains fruit I'm not holding my breath that it
will work. She is lowering my wheat content in my diet but not
removing it completely as I am having the tests in Jan. She thinks
that I could be reacting to the wheat sugar (fractans) or wheat
protein. So I am supposed to eat rye bread (as long as the main
ingredient is not wheat).

I'll post it later - praps after I start it so I don't get everyone's
hopes up if it is a complete flop.

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