Tolerated fruits

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Dec 13, 2008, 7:11:50 PM12/13/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
What fruits do your children tolerate and how much in one sitting/day?

Just wanting some suggestions to add to my diet - tried 1/2 a banana
and got the runs.




Dec 16, 2008, 12:10:35 PM12/16/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
hi Jo-Anne

Henry pretty good now still struggles with pear and 'mushy' fruits i
think but has at least 5 pieces fruit veg a day. Lucy will have:

Tomato based pasta sauce for lunch (though also ok with raw tomatoes)
or celery soup! or weightwatchers beans on rye toast (half a small
2 veg with tea say a few peas and baby carrot or she likes half cob
sweetcorn (or baby sweetcorn)
and 2-3 strawberries for dessert

I have tried her with raw apple mid-am but not sure.

She is not good with peaches, orange juice, more than a couple of
pieces of tangerine. Banana kills her (bungs her up though) and i
don't think she is good with broccoli either. Not sure about peppers
but don't use green ones.

Cherries and raspberries not good (though my son always ok with orange
juice and raspberries) - i use Tropicana with calcium orange juice.

She is still up in the night on this Jo-Anne so not perfect but for me
a balance between this and constipation!!

Hope this helps



Dec 16, 2008, 5:41:16 PM12/16/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Wow there are a lot of fruits in their diets.

I'm back to no fruits for myself, ethan as well. I had a kiwi fruit
and ended up quite sick - I had it at 8:00pm, had stomach aches at
10:00pm, went to work the next day thinking I was fine. But ended
nearly fainting due to the reaction (it completely dehydrated me), and
had to have a collegue drive my car home as I was unfit to drive and
have my parents come up to look after the kids. 2 days off sick at
present hopefully tomorrow will be back at work.

Have you tried rye bread for the consitpation, its high in fibre and
it comes in different levels of wheat - e.g. 85% wheat free. 95% wheat
free or 100% rye bread.

Liz Clifford

Dec 17, 2008, 7:02:36 AM12/17/08
Oh you poor love. That is awful that the fruit affected you so bad.
Especially with the feeling of fainting. Did you vomit with it or did you
just have to go to the toilet a lot? Did the stomach pain continue for days
or did it subside? Sorry about all the questions.

I really hope you are feeling better now. So I guess it's just best to avoid
all fruit now until you get more tests done with your doctor. Hope the kids
are doing well.

We are ok here but Cooper is still getting stomach aches although he is not
waking all hours of the night like he was on the wheat diet. So I am
completely over it all. I am going to try eliminating all fruit for a few
days with him over xmas, just to see if we get any improvement at all.

I haven't tried the rye bread yet, but we will probably have to give that as
go given that we are cutting out fruit for a while.

Take care of yourself.


Dec 17, 2008, 3:06:12 PM12/17/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Hi Liz,

I had some kiwi fruit on Sunday and Monday. Monday night i developed
cramps. There was no vomiting, I am taking metamucil (which is being
used as a bulking agent) so I didn't have to go to the bathroom a lot,
although I was having diahrea. Tuesday, I was having dizzy spells for
a couple of hours until I started taking hydrolite as water wasn't
working well enough, cramping on and off. It is Thursday now and I'm
going to work although I will be taking hydrolite with me, to ensure
that I don't dehydrate again.

Sorry the note is short, got to go to work.



Dec 17, 2008, 7:25:58 PM12/17/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
I'm afraid I'm not the best one to answer on this one. We have a few
fruits that we rotate but I can't say for sure whether they are okay
or not. I'm going to say they're working okay because we Matthew is
doing great now. With Rebecca we never know, but that's likely
because FM is probably not her real problem.

For Matthew I rotate with 1/4-1/2 banana, 2 strawberries, 4 slices
peach and occasionally grapefruit (when on sale :). Rebecca's
portions are a bit bigger then that. Rebecca has a small cup of orange
juice each day and Matthew has about 1/4-1/2 (a full cup but very
watered down). I use pure orange concentrate and we add 4 cans water
instead of the 3 cans it calls for. I don't know if Tropicana is
pure ... I never buy it but I know when I have it somewhere else I
right away know because it has a distinct taste, it is also a lot
stronger in taste then the concentrate and I wonder if just watering
it down a fair amount might help with symptoms (for Lucy). Since
we've changed Matthew's formula we have a new kid ...
unbelieveable!!! He is eating about 10 times what he used to and
playing so nice ... we just can't get over it and are so enjoying it.
So it seems these fruit selections are working for him and we'll stick
to that for now.

For veggies for Matthew I do small serving peas, few slices of
cucumber (without peels), white potatoes, and kale (mashed through
potatoes). I try cauliflower and broccoli but he won't eat. I cook
celery with noodles, add soup spices and a few pieces of green onion
and call it soup. Rebecca has the same and then also eats lettuce and

I don't know if pumpkin is a veggie or a fruit but I use pumpkin in
recipes and the kids eat pumpkin cookies or pumpkin muffins. Since
the kids get corn in some of their GF foods or sometimes corn puffs or
chips then I don't give them cooked corn (much to their

I have bought frozen raspberries and blueberries but haven't gotten
around to trying them yet.

I sure hope you're feeling better Jo-Anne. Are you symptoms/episodes
getting worse, or has this been going on for some time?

All the best,


Dec 18, 2008, 6:34:19 AM12/18/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group

It seems that with Ethan and I, our symptoms get worse before they get
better, our tolerance to fruits etc get lower before they can
improve. Ethan started vomiting and his belly would swell when he was
first diagnosed, and lots of diahrea when anything annoyed his belly.
I have been suffering diahrea for some time, my belly would swell
every now and then, thats why I decided to get tested although i was
already following a low fructose diet with the occasional exception.
I started noticing that I would get dehydration headaches after
drinking fruit juice etc and my diahrea would get worse after eating
certain foods.

I saw another dietican and she put me on this diet (it was designed by
another person but I think it follows the sue shephard guidelines)
basically it says to not eat foods with an excess of fructans (wheat,
onion, etc) and foods with an excess of fructose. Foods that have a
good fructose/glucose ratio are fine to eat (our so they say - uhh).

The meal plan was as follows:

Breakfast: Porriage (oats), banana (1/2), milk & a milk drink (in my
case soy)

Morning Tea: Yoghurt, Fruit (e.g. orange)

Lunch: Wheat free rye bread sandwich (e.g. egg & lettuce, ham &
cheese, tuna & salad), fruit (e.g. kiwi fruit)

Afternoon Tea: Ryvitas and crunchy peanut butter

Dinner Meat/fish/chicken, rice/potato & vegetables

Supper/Dessert: Tinned fruits (not pears or two fruits - drain
juice), custard,

The above diet sounds yummy but the introduction of kiwi fruit
(without any other fruit) was too high for my body to take.

I'm feeling a lot better, and can at least see the funny side of the

Hopefully the endoscopy and colonoscopy will give me more news or



Dec 19, 2008, 6:24:11 AM12/19/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Hi Jo- anne,

I'm not much help to you here. The only fruit that I give Jaimee is
Strawberries and I limit it to about 3 maybe once a fortnight. Just be
careful with strawberries as i have heard that eating them can keep
you awake at night(mainly directed at the little ones) :)


Dec 22, 2008, 11:46:52 AM12/22/08
to Children's Fructose, Sucrose or Lactose Malabsorption Group
Hi Jo-Anne - yes have tried rye bread thanks but the kids not keen.
They have been having glutafin bread which i have managed to get on
prescription and this is about the best we have tried. My husband had
got me a breadmmaker for christmas so will try some others and let you
know! Tesco crumpets seem to be a hit with my son and do wheat free
muffins and choc brownies!

Blimey you do have a strong recation to fruit - i hope you are feeling
better now - i think kiwi can be a bit funny with some people though?

Liz - i am glad Cooper better on wheat free diet - i have come to
conclusion the my two are dairy and wheat intolerant (and the wheat
caused a lot of night wakings which are awful and tiring) and also
have some fructose reaction.

I am going to try Colic Calm to help with Lucy's trapped wind
(especially bad at night and around 6am) - has anyone tried this
please?? (link below)

You can get on e-bay - wish me luck!!

Have a good christmas everyone - go easy on the christmas puddings
(and carrots and brussel sprouts!!)

PS Just reminded me gave Lucy carrot soup recently and this gave her
terrible gripes and wind.

PPS Tried Lactofree milk and made custard - Henry vomited all over my
car the next day and Lucy had diarrohea - could this just be the
lactose element?? They have both not had cow's milk for a long time.

Louise xx
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