River3: Viewing the html via public dropbox

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Ian Channing

Jul 22, 2014, 10:40:15 AM7/22/14
to fronti...@googlegroups.com
I've come across a few points after trying to get River3 working more easily. I got confused at the point after installing River3 and putting my files into Dropbox. There doesn't seem to be any clear explanation of what to do after then so that you can actually view your river.
  1. The html files don't work unless they are viewed via a webserver
    1. Which most easily is the Dropbox Public folder - so suggesting that people use the Public dropbox folder in the instructions would be useful
    2. Dave seems to assume that if people want to view the river it will be done via S3, but lots of people don't have this
  2. The next hurdle you hit if you use the Dropbox public folder, is the display of the page doesn't work by default because of http:// links to the javascript files when viewing the page behind the https://
    1. this could in theory be solved by having the protocol-less links e.g. //ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.5.min.js which will then default to using http / https depending on the site you're viewing it on
  3. The final hurdle is that you have to view the https://static.newsriver.org to accept the invalid certificate

Perhaps this is all old hat now that River4 is out, but I do have this all working nicely at this page: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7765571/River3/html/nytRiver-https.html.

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