Our Recent Newsletter and Prayer Alerts

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Aug 8, 2011, 12:46:36 PM8/8/11
to friends-of-millions...@googlegroups.com
We thank God for the privilege to behold a new week. Please find attached our recent newsletter. We request that you join us to intercede on behalf of our missionaries.


Sierra Leone
We thank God for the great job Pastor and Mrs Victor Nwoji are doing in Sierra Leone. In less than 6 months they have been able to plant 2 Churches. Pray that God would sustain the work and that these converts will be discipled so that they do not fall back into their past ways of life. Pray for financial support for them. Pray for wisdom to set goals, and to fulfill them. Pray that the church in Sierra Leone will mature and be able to reach other parts of Africa and the world. There is spiritual, economic, academic, and social degradation in Sierra Leone. Please pray that God would use our brethren to transform the society.

Benin Republic
We need to build in Benin Republic. The church is still meeting under a tree. Please pray that we will be able to raise the money needed to buy the land we need for the work. Pray also for our missionaries there: Pastors Chuks and Rose Ogbonna and their children. Pray that God will encourage them and help them to continue the work with joy. Pray that Republic of Benin will become the center for spreading the gospel among the French-Speaking West African countries.

Chad Republic
Pray that the Boko Haram terrorist attacks in Maiduguri, Nigeria will not spill over to Chad Republic where our missionaries are. Pray for the protection of the missionaries, and the churches in Kangalam and Chikungudi.

Pray for provisions to complete the Amankanu Center for World Mission. We still need to add the Elementary and High School and the quarters for doctors, nurses and teachers. Pray for all our missionaries that God will grant them grace day after day as they labor to reach the interiors of Nigeria with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our missionaries in Asia, Pastor Nnamdi and Meriam Ikpe need our prayers as they seek the nation to site the Asia Mission of the Millions for Christ Missions. They just came back from a fact-finding mission to Cambodia. They feel led to set up the MFCM in Cambodia. Please pray that God will continue to grant them the wisdom they need at this time. Pray also for their work in Philippines that their starting up the work in Cambodia will not jeopardize the work in the Philippines.

Pray for our missionary in Romania - Mr. John Chimimela Azunna-ihe. Pray for wisdom for him as he labors to reach international students in Romania. Pray that God will turn the Romania field to the center for reaching Eastern Europe for Christ.

United States of America
Pray for the MFCM in the United States. Pray that our ministry to men in "half-way" houses will yield fruits for the kingdom. Pray for those who have decided to do short-term missions this December. Pray that God will prepare them, and also raise the resources they need for the work. Pray for those who are considering working or volunteering to work in the office in Elkton, MD. Pray that they would be dedicated workers ready to fulfill the vision of the MFCM. Pray that God will reward three teenagers that have been working with us in the office this Summer. They are: Ms. Ijeoma Anozie; Ms. Ihunanya Nwoji; and Mr. Anthony Nduka Jr. They have been a great blessing to the work. Since the Lord mandated us to meet together to pray for the nations during the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Millions for Christ Mission in 2010, we have not relented to meet and to pray. Pray that God will bring in every month prayer warriors to intercede for the nations until every nation on earth sees a revival.

Thank you for praying.

Dr. Stanley Nwoji
MFCM President.
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