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Aug 18, 2011, 9:22:47 AM8/18/11
to friends-of-millions...@googlegroups.com




Theophilus, whose picture appears here, also known as ‘Ali’ by his family members was formally a youth leader in one of the local mosques in Juba Hill Freetown. He was teaching different groups of youths during their prayer times. He was a sheik. I came in contact with him for the first time in his school when I thought of reaching out to the young people and felt teaching   sciences as a volunteer can be a good avenue of   sharing the gospel with them.


During classes, my heart kept going to him so I decided to talk personally with him after the class. I later found out that he was brought in and sponsored educationally and otherwise by a muslim man after his elder sister who took care of him died. After ministering to him, he gave his life to Jesus and later became an active member of the church that meets in our parlour.


Few days after his repentance, we decided to minister the Holy ghost to him, but the lord ministered to us we needed to settle some other issues in his life, it started with a ring. We asked him of a ring which was always worn on his finger and he explained that it was for protection from evil given him in the muslim fold and also an indication that he needed a sacrifice made on his behalf  as long as he remained unable to provide an animal for sacrifice. The parents had entered an agreement on behalf of their children with demons. After they had them, the demons kept appearing to the children, so the parents gave them the ring to always wear to keep the demons away. After he told us this, we thought it good for him to denounce his past life and make new confessions of his relationship with Jesus. He needed also to denounce any relationship with demons. This he did and as I prayed with my wife for him, he started wriggling and told us that they were looking at him and that he was feeling strange movements all over his body, Jesus delivered him with his awesome power and the ring was prayed over and thrown away.


After this encounter, he had a dream of two entities making incantations and trying to gain access to his body but he shouted the name of JESUS and they fled. He also had a dream where he was assisting pastors in reaching out to people in crusade grounds. These dreams strengthened his faith as well as his resolution to follow Jesus and the bible at whatever cost.


 He was one of those that we shared bibles to and since then, he reads, prays in Jesus’ name   and shares of his new relationship with Jesus with others. His former muslim friends are amazed that such a person as “Ali” can change and become a Christian, some other times they laugh, mock and ask him to take them to his church.


As soon as they noticed he no longer joins them in prayer but fond of carrying and reading a bible and going to fellowships, his adopted family started persecuting him. He is sometimes denied food with many rebukes   and has been promised that at this Ramadan ( August  ) month, he will not get any food from the house. Though we told him not to worry but as he’s become part of our family, he should always come and eat as well as feel free to share his problems with us, he’s still burdened by the state of his mother’s health who he is so attached emotionally to as he often recalled how the mother risked her life for them during the war.. The mother fell down from a bike some years ago, had a spinal injury and ever since walks bent. His father abandoned her for another woman with the full responsibility resting on Theophilus   who though 24 years old needs help himself as he does not know yet how his school fees (Senior Secondary School 1) for the coming school session will be paid.

Despite all these, he is so dedicated to Jesus, his new friend and saviour and strongly believes that the miracles he reads about in the bible will surely be evident in his life.                                     

Please keep praying for him. This is just to tell you   a little of how your support depopulates hell and creates joy in heaven over souls that come to Christ. We are also indeed grateful that you make all these possible through your prayers, emotional and financial support.


Theophilus has no support again. His adopted home has refused to give him anything again because of his faith. He does not even know how to pay his school fees ($ 100) for the next term. He does even stay with them again. Please support Theophilus to go to school. He has found a family in Jesus, let us show him God is able to take care of him.


Thank you once again and God bless you

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