Ron Plain from Aamjiwnaang First Nation needs Your Urgent Assistance! - Please Share this Appeal Widely!‏‏

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Aug 19, 2013, 5:02:59 PM8/19/13

John Hummel
2:27 PM
Dear Friends,
I know Ron from his huge efforts to expose and prevent the pollution of his people from the toxins released onto his people from the industrial polluters surrounding Sarnia, Ontario i.e. ‘Chemical Valley’.
Hope you will give Ron as much assistance as you can at this time.
Link to Video and How You Can help:
For Further Details on how you can help out, please contact Ron Plain directly at:
Ron Plain’s Website So you will know a bit more about him:
Many thanks for any assistance.
For Land and life,
John H.W. Hummel
Nelson, B.C.
P.S. Here is an article about what industrial pollution has been doing to Ron Plain’s community of Aaamjiwnaang.
I Left My Lungs in Aamjiwnaang: Breathing the Most Polluted Air in Canada:
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