I forwarded the attached study I received from Dr. Rignell-Hydbom to Dr. Joel Michalek who headed up the famous Ranch Hand Studies of Vietnam Veterans exposed to Dioxin and his response was that:
"This replicates the findings of the Ranch Hand Agent Orange study. As a consequence of the Ranch Hand and other studies of dioxin-exposed cohorts, all Vietnam veterans are compensated for type 2 diabetes."
Also, here is a recent Canadian study showing a possible link between DDT (DDE) exposure and diabetes in a First Nation community in Ontario.
Link to the recent Canadian study: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/sr-sr/finance/tsri-irst/proj/persist-org/tsri-299-eng.php
To See Some of the most recent Pollution/Diabetes Studies, Please go to: http://groups.google.ca/group/friends-of-agg/browse_thread/thread/6cb3503501b8b59c?hl=en (and click on 'Show Quoted Text')
Hope You find this of interest in light of the Type II Diabetes epidemic ravaging the Aboriginal communities in Canada. Health Canada estimated that 27% of all First Nations people in Canada will have Type II Diabetes within 10 years. Many Aboriginal people in Canada have been exposed to a variety of pollutants which have recently been linked to diabetes e.g. dioxin, PCB's, DDT, Cadmium, Arsenic, Hexachlorobenzene etc.
Hope you find this information of interest.
For Land and Life,
John H.W. Hummel,
Nelson, B.C.
----- Original Message -----
Dear John
Enclosed you will find an article I think you will find interesting.
Best regards
Anna Rignell-Hydbom, PhD
Associate professor in Environmental medicine
Dept of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Lund university
SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden
phone: +46 46 177280
fax: +46 46 173669