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Scarica The Leverage Equation Libro PDF Todd Tresidder Scarica e leggi online Will you be able to retire while you’re still young enough to enjoy it?Are you working hard but not producing the results you’d like?You need a way to work smarter, not harder. You need leverage.In The Leverage Equation: How to Work Less, Make More, and Cut 30 Years Off Your Retirement Plan, former hedge fund manager and five-time author Todd Tresidder unpacks the principles, strategies, and tools you need to grow your wealth in time to get the most out of it. In these pages, you’ll discover:The real reason you’re not as rich as you should be. (Surprise! It’s not what you think.)How $10 can realistically become $1000 (without taking crazy risks or working long hours).The hidden trap of regular paychecks (and how you can overcome it!)Why you don’t need money to make money. The truth about (and the dangers of) highly leveraged investments.The 9 principles of leverage that maximize your financial results (and lead to a more fulfilling life). The right (and wrong) way to apply each of the six types of leverage. Step-by-step, Todd Tresidder shares his proven process for harnessing the power of all six types of leverage to meet your life goals.


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