Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale PDF Download Ebook Gratis Libro

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Matt Lane

Sep 6, 2021, 9:01:54 PM9/6/21
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Da quando Marketing 3.0 ha diffuso in tutto il mondo l'idea del "marketing umanistico" nuovi strumenti e tecnologie avanzate permettono di raccogliere informazioni più precise sui nostri clienti: chi sono e come prendono le decisioni d'acquisto. Paradossalmente l'analisi dei big data consente di creare prodotti e servizi sempre più personalizzati, e Marketing 4.0 espone con autorevolezza una metodologia che permette di accompagnare i clienti nel percorso dalla brand awareness alla brand advocacy. In questo nuovo e attesissimo progetto Philip Kotler, il padre del marketing moderno, presenta metodi di efficacia concreta con cui guidare il cliente nelle varie tappe del suo viaggio. Il cammino tradizionale che conduce all'acquisto (aware, appeal, ask, act) viene arricchito con una quinta componente, l'advocacy: perché le opinioni dei nostri amici e familiari influenzano profondamente le decisioni d'acquisto. Scopriamo così come si esercita quell'influenza, in che modo possiamo indirizzarla e quali strategie impiegare per sfruttare al massimo la personalizzazione delle esperienze attraverso metriche efficaci e best practice innovative. I consigli puntuali e le spiegazioni intuitive permettono di passare facilmente da una mentalità tradizionale a un approccio orientato al marketing digitale, con suggerimenti utili da mettere subito in pratica. I riassunti alla fine di ogni capitolo riepilogano gli argomenti affrontati, facendo di questo libro non solo un manuale ma un'opera di consultazione, ricca di spunti di riflessione che instradano il lettore in un percorso di apprendimento personale e che aiutano a focalizzare le discussioni di gruppo per coinvolgere l'intera azienda. Trasformare radicalmente il modo in cui pensiamo può sembrare impossibile, ma grazie a Marketing4.0 potrete iniziare subito a riscuotere successo nel parametro che ancor oggi resta il più importante: l'opinione che il cliente si fa di voi.

Philip Kotler (born 27 May 1931) is an American marketing author, consultant, and professor; the S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University (1962-2018). He gave the definition of marketing mix. He is the author of over 80 Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale books, including Marketing Management, Principles of Marketing, Kotler on Marketing, Marketing Insights from A to Z, Marketing 4.0, Marketing Places, Marketing of Nations, Chaotics, Market Your Way to Growth, Winning Global Markets, Strategic Marketing for Health Care Organizations, Social Marketing, Social Media Marketing, My Adventures in Marketing, Up and Out Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale of Poverty, and Winning at Innovation. Kotler describes strategic marketing as serving as "the link between society's needs and its pattern of industrial response."[1]

Kotler helped create the field of social marketing that focuses on helping individuals and groups modify their behaviors toward healthier and safer living styles. He also Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale created the concept of "demarketing" to aid in the task
of reducing the level of demand. He also developed the concepts of "prosumers," "atmospherics," and "societal marketing." He is regarded as,"The Father of Modern Marketing" by many scholars.

Kotler's latest work focuses on economic justice and the shortcomings of capitalism. Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale He published Confronting Capitalism: Real Solutions for a Troubled Economic System in 2015, Democracy in Decline: Rebuilding its Future in 2016, "Advancing the Common Good" in 2019, and Brand Activism: From Purpose to Action in 2018.

Both of Kotler's parents, Betty and Maurice, emigrated in 1917 from Russian Empire (currently Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale territory of Ukraine) and settled in Chicago,[2] where Kotler was born on May 27, 1931.[3]:12 He studied at DePaul University for two years and was accepted without a bachelor's degree into the Master's program at the University of Chicago (1953[clarification needed]) and his PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1956[clarification Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale needed]), earning both degrees in economics. He studied under three Nobel Laureates in Economic Science: Milton Friedman, Paul Samuelson, and
Robert Solow. He did a year of postdoctoral work in mathematics at Harvard University (1960) and in behavioral science at the University of Chicago (1961).

Kotler started teaching marketing in Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale 1962 at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He believed marketing was an essential part of economics and saw demand as influenced not only by price but also by advertising, sales promotions, sales forces, direct mail, and various middlemen (agents, retailers, wholesalers, etc.) operating as sales and distribution Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale channels.

Philip Kotler holds that:

"the organization's marketing task is to determine the needs, wants and interests of target markets and to achieve the desired results more effectively and efficiently than competitors, in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer's or society's well-being."[1]

He links the Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale profit motive to the satisfaction of consumer wants and society's well-being. In order to market effectively, Kotler believes the marketing purpose of elevating consumer well-being has to be put at
the heart of company strategy and be practiced by all managers.[citation needed]

In 2003, the Financial Times cited Kotler's three Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale major contributions to marketing and to management:

First, he has done more than any other writer or scholar to promote the importance of marketing, transforming it from a peripheral activity, bolted on to the more "important" work of production. Second, he continued a trend started by Peter Drucker, shifting Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale emphasis away from price and distribution to a greater focus on meeting customers' needs and on the benefits received from a product or service. Third, he has broadened the concept of marketing from more selling to a more general process of communication and exchange, and has shown how marketing can Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale be extended and applied to charities, museums, performing arts organizations, political parties and many other non-commercial situations.[1]

Kotler argued for "broadening the field of marketing" to cover not only commercial operations but also the operations of non-profit organizations and government
agencies. He held that marketing can be applied not Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale only to products, services, and experiences, but also to causes, ideas, persons, and places. Thus a museum needs the marketing skills of Product, Price, Place, and Promot


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