Friday 5: iPads

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Lucy Gray

Apr 13, 2012, 7:13:45 AM4/13/12
This week's list focuses on the hot, hot, hot topic of iPads in education. Here's a quick list of some favorite resources.

Have a great weekend,


1. iPads for Learning

Here's a tremendously useful and comprehensive guide from the Victoria Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in Australia. 

2. Teach Like It's 2999

Several Chicago Public Schools have been leading the way in exploring the potential of iPads in the classroom. Check out math and science teacher Jennie Magiea's blog to learn more about her work in this area.

3. iPads at Burley

Burley School is another Chicago Public School that is on the forefront of using iPads to their fullest potential. Tech coordinator Carolyn Skibba is leading Burley's efforts and various teachers are documenting their work in this blog. Burley has always been known for its rich professional culture and commitment to authentic, student-centered instruction; technology has enhanced what they already do well.

4. Our Alaska Stories

Check out Larry Mitchell's blog about using iPads in his fifth grade classroom. In particular, check out his videos on YouTube I particularly recommend this video which was created by someone else: if you want to get an idea of what instruction could look like when incorporating iPads.

5. High School 1:1 iPad Implementation in Danville, IN

This is a nice example of how one school district has documented its high school one-to-one iPad program. Every school that is going through this process needs a site along these lines!

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