Friday 5: Literacy

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Lucy Gray

Feb 12, 2011, 12:58:06 PM2/12/11
Since reviving the Friday 5, my plan is to start with re-visiting basic content areas with a few links worth exploring. In the past few weeks, I've covered math and science; today's featured topic is literacy.


Lucy Gray

1. Voice of Literacy

Podcasts by researchers on the implications of their work in classrooms. I think this is a great way to bridge the gap between research and practice and the design of the site makes it very easy to listen and share podcasts. Wouldn't it be fun to have a similar site dedicated to discussing research in relation to educational technology?

2. K-2 Writing Interactives

Links to some high quality sites for helping kids with writing.

3. Leading to Read 

Activities for early childhood from RIF.

4. Kids on the Net

This is a great site for encouraging kids to write and publish. One activity that looks particular fun is their interactive Monster Motel activity:

5. Woodlands Literacy Zone

Another site from the UK that contains tons of links for every language arts skill imaginable. 

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