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Ralf Hemmecke

Mar 26, 2023, 11:55:36 AM3/26/23
to fricas-devel

I have prepared documentation for running FriCAS in a Jupyter notebook


Before I am going to promote this as a pull-request, I would like ask
for comments.

Thank you

Grégory Vanuxem

Mar 26, 2023, 3:17:47 PM3/26/23
to fricas...@googlegroups.com

Oh, thanks! Just as of friday I looked at jfricas and how to install
it and it seemed to me not as easy to install as I wanted to.
So I postponed its installation. Furthermore I want to give it a try
in the VSCode/Codium/code-oss Jupyter extension.

I'll test it, that seems more simple, thanks again.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FriCAS - computer algebra system" group.
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Mar 28, 2023, 9:11:55 PM3/28/23
to FriCAS - computer algebra system
Hi Ralf,
I have a desktop with Ubuntu 20.04  and a notebook with a clean Mint 21. I tried your instructions to put fricas/jfricas on them. On the notebook, I jumped in with the jfricas instructions. No problems but at the end there was no fricas and  the jupyter would not work. Realized that there was a previous section (above the jfricas-optional). Followed it, but did not realize that the configure options that needed to be set (shown in the "Detailed installation instructions" later). Did a make clean and reconfigure. This time all went well. I also kad put the env variables into my .bashrc. The desktop experience was much better as it was quite a bit faster and I knew a bit more :-). Now I have jfricas on my three machines working. Jupytext info also worked.
May be a bit of re-arrangement of the guide is needed. 
1. all the environment variables and quicklisp stuff first.
2. fricas  clone/configure/make/install
3, jfricas  clone and pip3 install
4. jupytext (optional)
I think only tjhe jupytext is optional the rest need to be done in an order.
Thanks  again,

Grégory Vanuxem

Mar 28, 2023, 11:21:55 PM3/28/23
to fricas...@googlegroups.com

Le mer. 29 mars 2023, 03:11, osmanfb1 <osmanbu...@gmail.com> a écrit :
Hi Ralf,
I have a desktop with Ubuntu 20.04  and a notebook with a clean Mint 21. I tried your instructions to put fricas/jfricas on them. On the notebook, I jumped in with the jfricas instructions. No problems but at the end there was no fricas and  the jupyter would not work. Realized that there was a previous section (above the jfricas-optional). Followed it, but did not realize that the configure options that needed to be set (shown in the "Detailed installation instructions" later). Did a make clean and reconfigure. This time all went well. I also kad put the env variables into my .bashrc. The desktop experience was much better as it was quite a bit faster and I knew a bit more :-). Now I have jfricas on my three machines working. Jupytext info also worked.
May be a bit of re-arrangement of the guide is needed. 
1. all the environment variables and quicklisp stuff first.
2. fricas  clone/configure/make/install
3, jfricas  clone and pip3 install
4. jupytext (optional)
I think only tjhe jupytext is optional the rest need to be done in an order.


I encountered the same issue (the explication of building FriCAS in the detailed instructions section). I also had to redo things. I wanted to report this too. You did it before, thanks. 


Thanks  again,

On Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 11:55:36 AM UTC-4 ra...@hemmecke.org wrote:

I have prepared documentation for running FriCAS in a Jupyter notebook


Before I am going to promote this as a pull-request, I would like ask
for comments.

Thank you

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FriCAS - computer algebra system" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to fricas-devel...@googlegroups.com.

Ralf Hemmecke

Mar 29, 2023, 2:18:30 AM3/29/23
to fricas...@googlegroups.com
Hi Osman, hi Greg,

Thank you both for the report. I'll try to reorder the description.

What I have definitely not yet tested is how one can produce a binary
distribution that then nicely works on another computer in the sense
that then only jupyter/jfricas,jupytext would have to be separately
installed after the FriCAS binary.


Grégory Vanuxem

Mar 29, 2023, 8:23:48 AM3/29/23
to fricas...@googlegroups.com
You mean something like (with a vanilla FriCAS built on top of sbcl):

===== install-hunchentoot.input=====
)lisp (load "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/quicklisp/quicklisp.lisp")
)lisp (quicklisp-quickstart:install :path "/tmp/quicklisp")
)lisp (load #p"/tmp/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
)lisp (ql:quickload "sb-bsd-sockets")
)lisp (push :hunchentoot-no-ssl *features*)
)lisp (ql:quickload "hunchentoot")
)lisp (boot::spad-save "FRICASsys" t)
=======end install-hunchentoot.input====

==== shell based=========
# for contrib directory access (sb-bsd-sockets)
export SBCl_HOME=/usr/lib/sbcl/
sudo apt install cl-quicklisp python3-pip
pip3 install wheel jupyter
echo ')read install-hunchentoot' |fricas -nosman
chmod +x FRICASsys
mv FRICASsys /where/FRICASsys/is/installed
rm -Rf /tmp/quicklisp
# eventually with python3-venv
# With cloned jfricas
cd jfricas
pip3 install .
jupyter notebook
======== end shell =============
# it is not even necessary to add the jfricas executable to the $PATH
unless you use it

Or maybe you just want to create a binary tarball?

Please note, I am not sure if (boot::spad-save ...) is the correct way
to produce FRICASsys.
It seems it hardcodes things and at startup foreign routines stuff is
no longer displayed. Waldek knows more, I think, about that.

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> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FriCAS - computer algebra system" group.
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> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/fricas-devel/1ca585ed-aa40-db41-a826-2071d8d14ccf%40hemmecke.org.

Grégory Vanuxem

Mar 29, 2023, 8:35:54 AM3/29/23
to fricas...@googlegroups.com
But of course the path to the jfricas jupyter kernel is hardcoded here.
It can be added to the FriCAS contrib directory for example and
installed with FriCAS.
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