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freud 2.13.0 Released

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Tommy Waltmann

May 10, 2023, 9:46:35 AM5/10/23
to freud-users
Version 2.13.0 of freud is now released. Thank you to all who contributed code and reported issues. Please report issues and suggest feature enhancements via the freud GitHub issue tracker.

This release adds neighborlist filters and removes support for python 3.6.

### Added
* Filter neighborlists with `freud.locality.FilterSANN` and `freud.locality.FilterRAD`.

### Fixed
* Neighborlists generated by certain compute objects now exist after the compute object is garbage collected.
* All source files have the freud license header at the top.
* The `compute()` method of each compute object returns self.

### Changed
* Documentation renders with the furo theme.

### Removed
* Support for Python 3.6

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