Proposal: Emergencies

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James Beirne

Apr 4, 2010, 2:01:25 PM4/4/10
Add a new Basic rule, Emergencies:
If at any time there are fewer than two players, then any active player
may declare Fresh Nomic to be in a state of Emergency. While Fresh Nomic
is in a state of emergency, any player may repeal any temporary rule by
announcement and may add temporary rules by announcement. A state of
emergency ends when all players agree that it ends or when no conditions
could cause the nomic to enter into a state of emergency if it was not
already in one.
No proposals may be passed while Fresh Nomic is in a state of emergency.

Add a new basic rule, Precedence:
Lower numbered basic rules take precedence over higher numbered ones.
Lower numbered temporary rules take precedence over higher numbered ones.
Lower numbered internomical rules take precedence over higher numbered ones.
Basic rules always take precedence over Temporary rules.

Cause Fresh Nomic to join the Nomic Alliance by adding the appropriate
rule to the Internomical Rules section.

Create a basic rule with the number 4.5, Nomic Alliance Protection:
The internomical rule which governs the Nomic Alliance (the Treaty rule)
may not be modified except by itself. The Emperor is Fresh Nomic's
ambassador and must act in what he believes to be Fresh Nomic's best
interests while carrying out the ambassador's duties.

I vote for the above proposal.

James Beirne

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