Add the following four round rules:
Salad. Each Player shall be said to have a certain Salad, which can be
Caesar Salad, Fruit Salad, Potato Salad, or Plain Lettuce. The Salad
shall be tracked in the GNDT.
Salad-Eating. Once per week, a Player may attempt to Eat Salad. To do
this, they select one other Player whose salad is not Plain Lettuce.
They then roll 1DICE20 in the GNDT. If they rolled 15 or higher, they
gain 10 points and the targeted player's Salad it set to Plain
Salad Effects. If a Player's Salad is Fruit Salad, they gain 20 points
for Succeeded Proposals instead of 10. If a Player's Salad is Potato
Salad, they only need to roll 10 or higher instead of 15 or higher to
successfully Eat Salad. If a Player's Salad is Caesar Salad, they may
move twice the number of spaces on the Game Board than they would
normally be able to move.
Dinner. Once per week, a Player may Dine. To do this, they roll DICEX
in the GNDT, where X is the number of legal Salads. They then select
the Yth Salad from the list in the rule "Salad", where Y is the result
of their roll; they change their Salad to the chosen Salad from the
Add the following core rule:
Flavor Text. Any text in {curly brackets} in a Proposal is not counted
as part of the Proposal.
{This is a slightly modified version of some of the first round rules.
with the addition of Dining. Caesar Salad is presently useless because
we don't have a game board yet, but we should add one.
Changed "data table", which was something we were using back on Yahoo Groups before we had a GNDT, to "GNDT".}