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Proposal: President

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James Beirne

Mar 20, 2010, 8:44:21 PM3/20/10
Create a rule, President:
There exists a special post, President of Nomicia. The President may
remove any player from any and all offices they hold, as long as there
are at least three players.

Create a rule, Presidential Elections:
If there is no President, then any player can initiate a Presidential
Election by creating a post with the title "Presidential Election X",
where X is the ordinal number of the Election.
Each player may reply to the post, their reply containing a list of all
players in the order the replying player wishes. The name of the first
player on each list is noted, and if a majority of those names are of
the same player, that player becomes President. If there is no majority,
then the name of the first and second players on each list are noted. If
one player has a majority at this point, they become President. If not,
then the first, second, and third names are compared, and so on. If,
after all names on all lists have been tallied, there is no majority
winner, then the player whose name appears most often in the first
position becomes President.

Create a rule, Impeachment:
If any player makes a post titled Impeachment, and that post specifies
the name of an Officer or the President, and at least 66% of all players
reply to the post stating that they support the Impeachment, then the
specified Officer or President is removed from their offices, and if
they are the President, they cease to be.

Note: Presidential Elections use the Proportional Representation form of
voting, found in most European democracies.

James Beirne

Mar 20, 2010, 8:44:37 PM3/20/10
I vote For.

Kenner Gordon

Mar 21, 2010, 8:41:23 PM3/21/10
Against. These should be Internomical, not Temporary. Also, I'm against the general idea. I don't want internomical relations to have a huge effect on Fresh.

On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 6:44 PM, James Beirne <> wrote:
I vote For.

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I don't really get the point of signatures.
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