(Win-7 64x, PostgreSQL 12.1, frepple 6.5.9)
elif fieldtype == "url":
initially_hidden=hidden or initially_hidden,
3.2 In the same file, add a cycle node to the add_extra_model_fields function:
elif fieldtype == "url":
field = models.URLField(
label, null=True, blank=True, db_index=True, editable=editable
In the file ... django / db / models / fields / __ init__.py there is a URLFIelg class that describes our derived field with a validator to check whether the values are filled in, so do not forget to add the field import here:
from django.db.models.fields import URLField
3.3. Open the report.py file and add the class:
class GridFieldUrl(GridField):
formatter = "url"
extra = '"formatoptions":{"defaultValue":""}'
width = 80
don't forget to add to import:
from django.db.models.fields import CharField, AutoField, URLField
4) frepplectl makemigrations..........OK!
5) frepplectl migrate.......................OK!
6) frepplectl runwebserver..............OK!
I wish everyone a good job!
Hi Kevin,
Weird, I haven’t seen this error before and the 6.14 installer works fine for me.
I don’t know what’s causing the problem, but here are some questions and suggestions:
Johan De Taeye
Mob: +32 477.385.362
Skype: jdetaeye
Visit us at https://frepple.com
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