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How can we plan time for operators to move between machines

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Damien Sallé

Apr 29, 2021, 9:18:44 AM4/29/21
to frePPLe users
In my process, we will have many tasks of short duration perform by some machines.
The machines will need to be fed by operators moving the parts around.
So I would need to be able to include in the planning the time of displacement of an operator between the different machines, that of course depend on the distance between the current location of the operator and the machine he needs to reach.

Also, same need to include time of displacement when the operator needs to operate the machine: we need the Machine + the operator performing the operation, but the operator might have finished a task on a different machine, and thus needs time to reach the newly assigned machine... 

How can these constraints be taken into account in frePPLe (open source github version)?

Thanks a lot!
It's a great tool! 


Johan De Taeye

Apr 29, 2021, 9:33:17 AM4/29/21

Normally, we don’t plan in that detail.

Your production time should consider an average overhead that covers also:  time to retrieve parts from warehouse, time to bring produced parts to the warehouse,  toilet breaks (yes, the time varies by operator and the distance to the closest toilet 😊),  time for quality checks by the operator, small machine hickups your operator can easily repair himself, …


You get a much simpler and much more robust plan if you take a little bit of abstraction of these details.   In most cases, the extra details don’t even add much to the quality and accuracy of the plan.



Johan De Taeye

Mob: +32 477.385.362

Skype: jdetaeye

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