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Long operation planning

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Tuomas Heiskanen

Jun 18, 2021, 2:18:47 AM6/18/21
to frePPLe users


Anyone have an example of modeling operation with long duration so that it would stretch over multiple days by the availability of resource? The best I've managed was to set the available calendar for operation and making my "operator" resource maximum calendar 24x7. This stretched the operation nicely, but breaks the usability of resources load statistics.

The live manufacturing demo has available calendar of location set to Working Days and every resource has its maximum calendar. By these settings my long lasting operations never get scheduled.

Thanks in advance!

Johan De Taeye

Jun 18, 2021, 2:26:55 AM6/18/21

>> but breaks the usability of resources load statistics.


The availability calendar doesn’t break the resource loading values.


>> By these settings my long lasting operations never get scheduled.


If that’s what you’re observing, you still have a maximum-calendar set on your resources.  Just remove it and only use an available calendar.


If you want to use a maximum-calendar, you need to make sure its value doesn’t go to 0 at any time.    We plan an operation across unavailable periods (by stretching the duration), but we don’t plan across a period where the resource size is 0.


Johan De Taeye

Mob: +32 477.385.362

Skype: jdetaeye

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Tuomas Heiskanen

Jun 18, 2021, 2:42:59 AM6/18/21
to frePPLe users
Ok. Tried and it works in most simplest setup. So there must be something else wrong in my model since the plan calculation is stuck ~70% when availability calendars set like this.

Johan De Taeye

Jun 18, 2021, 2:45:56 AM6/18/21

Make sure your available calendar also applies well before the current date and well beyond you last demands.

Otherwise the solver can run into situations where we “stretch indefinitely”.

Tuomas Heiskanen

Jun 18, 2021, 3:08:38 AM6/18/21
to frePPLe users
Don't know if this tells anything about my problem. Great thing btw, that the export has tick for hiding the sensitive data.

Tuomas Heiskanen

Jun 18, 2021, 3:26:50 AM6/18/21
to frePPLe users
Weird, after emptying the db and importing that back the plan was correctly calculated.

Tuomas Heiskanen

Jun 18, 2021, 3:37:40 AM6/18/21
to frePPLe users
False alarm. I had the capacity tick off so still not working :(

Tuomas Heiskanen

Jun 18, 2021, 3:49:09 AM6/18/21
to frePPLe users
Ok, putting duration to those zero duration operations make the calculation finish.
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