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New theme and Croatian translation

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Blago Čuljak

Aug 24, 2020, 3:11:41 AM8/24/20
to frePPLe users

Have a good one!


Johan De Taeye

Aug 25, 2020, 10:22:19 AM8/25/20


Hi Blago,


Thanks for the translations!   They’ll be included in the next release (which is planned to be tagged by the end of this week).


For the theme, it’s best always better to include the LESS files, such that people can further tune and customize the styling.  Tastes very widely J



We may also need to think of a better way to share apps & themes.  Posting to the user group isn’t very efficient and clean.

Looking forward to hear you opinions & preferences:

1)      Continue to use mailing list

2)      Include a page in the documentation a list of links to third-party apps & themes

3)      Have some form of app-store or marketplace where people can publish their addons

4)      Any other ideas?


Johan De Taeye

Mob: +32 477.385.362

Skype: jdetaeye

Visit us at

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Blago Čuljak

Aug 27, 2020, 9:00:58 AM8/27/20
to frePPLe users
Hi Johan,
I'm frequent github contributor, can we fork it there and use use pull request to your main branch? I have also made 2-3 adjustments to the theme, make it a bit more 2020... Don't know it theme would be great place to start with contribution, since we could end up with dozen of themes, then marketplace should be better option.

Community addons and paid addons could attract developers to make addons, some plugins for some planing adjustments, and so on, that would be great addition, since frepple (no one can) just can't cover all planning scenarios.
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