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Failed connection to Odoo

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Chris Jones

Dec 27, 2020, 11:16:29 AM12/27/20
to frePPLe users
I posted this as an Issue on the Github page and was given a few suggestions and asked to post here. 

Here's my original message:

"frePPLe 6.10, Odoo 13. Both fresh installs. The instructions are unclear as to where we configure the odoo parameters on the frePPLe side but I did it under Admin/Parameters. When I run I get an internal server error and it says to check Odoo log.

Odoo log shows: ValueError: Invalid field 'requested_date' on model 'sale.order'
I don't see in the frePPLe Odoo module any reference to adding requested_date to sale.order in the models folder. It's not in the standard Odoo database so there must be some other unreferenced Odoo module that needs to be added. Searching Google for any module with requested_date in sale.order returns nothing. So complete mystery.

In Odoo under Manufacturing, Advanced planning - frePPLe I see refused connection. When I get the URL from Inspect in the browser I am able to open it ok in another tab, not sure why it doesn't show up here."

I was asked: 
FrePPLe needs to be loaded as a server wide module. This is achieved by updating an option in the Odoo configuration file: “server_wide_modules= frepple,web,web_kanban” 

This is set in the Odoo configuration.

Another reply:

Looks like an Xframe permission issue. By default we don't allow embedding frepple content in an iframe for security reasons.
Make sure to check out these points from the configuration instructions on :

  • Make sure the setting MIDDLEWARE doesn’t include the “django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware” class.
  • Add a line “SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE = None”

I also checked this and this does not appear to be the problem. 

Chris Jones

Dec 27, 2020, 11:22:03 AM12/27/20
to frePPLe users
Just found this in the Odoo log: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'odoo.addons.web_kanban'

Searching Google I find no resolution to other people with this error except one reference that it might not be needed in Odoo 11+. 

Chris Jones

Dec 27, 2020, 11:32:41 AM12/27/20
to frePPLe users
I found this post from 6 years ago with the same issue. I've searched for this module sales_order_date and can't find it anywhere online.

Chris Jones

Dec 28, 2020, 12:13:14 AM12/28/20
to frePPLe users
Sorry for all the replies. I created a new python file in the frepple Odoo addon that added requested_date to sale.order and it cleared the error when I browse to /frepple/xml?... But when I try import from Frepple there is no connection attempt in the Odoo log. I just see  "str expected, not NoneType" in Frepple so I'm guessing the Odoo server parameters must not be read properly. 
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