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Mead Jones

Mar 7, 2023, 7:55:37 AM3/7/23
to Freesound API
I teach a sound design class for theatre.  I've used the site before with no issues however now I'm unable to access the site.  Tech support here is telling me the site is unreachable (which I know its not).  Could freesound be blocking my school? And if so is there anyway to request an unblock?

I posted earlier but did not see the conversation.  Apologies if this is redundant.

Frederic Font Corbera

Mar 7, 2023, 8:19:27 AM3/7/23
to freeso...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mead,

Freesound should not be blocking any address, you should check with your school as the problem is most likely on school's end.



On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 13:55, Mead Jones <mead....@gmail.com> wrote:
I teach a sound design class for theatre.  I've used the site before with no issues however now I'm unable to access the site.  Tech support here is telling me the site is unreachable (which I know its not).  Could freesound be blocking my school? And if so is there anyway to request an unblock?

I posted earlier but did not see the conversation.  Apologies if this is redundant.


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Frederic Font - ffont.github.io
Music Technology Group, UPF - mtg.upf.edu
Freesound - freesound.org

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