Download Gradle Plugin For Intellij 'LINK'

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Manuel Medina

Jan 25, 2024, 3:32:42 PMJan 25
to freesefafran

Gradle JVM: when IntelliJ IDEA opens the Gradle project, it checks the file for the appropriate JVM version specified in and uses it for the project. If it is not specified, then the project SDK is used. Alternatively, you can use the Gradle settings to configure the Gradle JVM.

The plugin provides a number of tasks to the Gradle build system that helps create and maintain plugins for IntelliJ-based IDEs. Integration with tools and services for testing, verifying, and publishing plugins makes the overall development experience even better.

download gradle plugin for intellij

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For plugins from JetBrains Marketplace, use the pluginId:version format, like org.intellij.plugins.markdown:231.8109.126. The version of your choice must be compatible with the version of the IDE you're building against.

For plugin built locally, pass the path to the lib/ directory of the extracted plugin archive, like: file("/path/to/plugin/lib/") or file("/projects/plugin-name/build/idea-sandbox/plugins/plugin-name/lib/"). See How to add a dependency on a plugin available in the file system.

The targetCompatibility property of the Java configuration can't be higher than the Java version required for running IDE in the version specified by the intellij.version or patchPluginXml.sinceBuild properties.

The kotlinJvmTarget property of the Kotlin configuration (if used) can't be higher than the Java version required for running IDE in the version specified by the intellij.version or patchPluginXml.sinceBuild properties.

The kotlinLanguageVersion property of the Kotlin configuration (if used) can't be lower than the Kotlin bundled with IDE in the version specified by the intellij.version or patchPluginXml.sinceBuild properties.

The kotlinApiVersion property of the Kotlin configuration (if used) can't be higher than the Kotlin bundled with IDE in the version specified by the intellij.version or patchPluginXml.sinceBuild properties.

The IDEA plugin generates files that are used by IntelliJ IDEA, thus making it possible to open the project from IDEA (File - Open Project). Both external dependencies (including associated source and Javadoc files) and project dependencies are considered.

The IDEA plugin adds a number of tasks to your project. The idea task generates an IDEA module file for the project. When the project is the root project, the idea task also generates an IDEA project and workspace. The IDEA project includes modules for each of the projects in the Gradle build.

The IDEA plugin also adds an openIdea task when the project is the root project. This task generates the IDEA configuration files and opens the result in IDEA. This means you can simply run ./gradlew openIdea from the root project to generate and open the IDEA project in one convenient step.

The IDEA plugin adds the tasks shown below to a project. Notice that the clean task does not depend on the cleanIdeaWorkspace task. This is because the workspace typically contains a lot of user specific temporary data and it is not desirable to manipulate it outside IDEA.

The IDEA plugin provides hooks and behavior for customizing the generated content in a more controlled and detailed way. In addition, the withXml hook is the only practical way to modify the workspace file because its corresponding domain object is essentially empty.

The Gradle Wrapper files, and in particular the file, which specifies the version of Gradle to be used to build the plugin. If needed, the IntelliJ IDEA Gradle plugin downloads the version of Gradle specified in this file.

I want to create a standalone Gradle plugin project as described in the Gradle documentation. I would like to use IntelliJ with code completion for Groovy and Gradle. Since there is no specialized wizard to create a Gradle plugin project I have to do it manually.
I already managed to add the Groovy SDK (binary) in the IDE via: File / Other Settings / Default Project Structure as shown in the screenshot.

To start with I created a new Gradle project which also contains the Gradle wrapper. I then create a Groovy script named MyExamplePlugin.groovy following the project structure of the sdk-manager-plugin; please note me if this project does not follow the desired setup.

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When I tried to add Gradle support, I kept on noticing that I was getting a bunch of unable to resolve symbol "x" issues in my build.gradle file (those are all the red in the above picture). I noticed that the dependencies were updating; however, I was getting another issue that seemed more severe.

I did notice that when I reopened IntelliJ IDEA, the Gradle tool window did not have any dependencies within the main and test source sets. However, when I re-added the duplicate apply plugin: org.jetbrains.intellij line, those dependencies came back. But once I removed the line again, those dependencies stayed.

Also, I use to have intellij.version be set to IC-2016.3 and that was showing the 2016.3 dependencies correctly. Then I changed intellij.version to be set to IC-2017.2 and the dependencies changed to the 2017.2 versions. So it appears that Gradle is still working, but I have these issues all over

I have to modify my Gradle file to indicate that change as the Gradle IntelliJ Plugin cannot build my plugin properly right now. I am not certain of how to do that just yet, but I want to fix my current issue before I make some possible wrong changes.

My build.gradle file is in the main project module (not my plugin module - it contains a lot of Github related content). I still need to add a build.gradle file to my sub-project (My actual plugin called ChroMATERIAL). I need to figure out what stuff goes in which Gradle file. Can I just have 1 build.gradle file total (only in my plugin module)?

We are doing something similar to the existing Gradle application plugin, creating a task with the JavaExec type that runs the main class. This ensures the maximum correctness of the application run configuration.

The reason I am asking is that I want every developer in our team to be forced to run SonarLint when they run a Gradle build, rather than relying on them downloading the plugin and checking the IDE console in Intellij for the rules.

Hello Mark,
Something is unclear for me here. You are talking about running sonarlint when building with gradle.
We have a tool named scanner for gradle for this.
SonarLint is designed so the issues do not arrive to the build step, they are fixed before. This tool should be used by the developers to fix issues on the fly.
The response to your question is then no, it is not possible to add SonarLint as a Gradle task.
Best regards,

As far as I can see, the main problems with the current update method are caused by mismatches of the Kotlin version used by the Gradle build and the version of the installed plugin, as well as the presence of multiple incompatible versions of the runtime. Those issues are not exactly related to the plugin auto-update policy; also, most of them should disappear after 1.0, which will add much stronger backwards compatibility requirements to the runtime.

As far as I can see, the main problems with the current update method are caused by mismatches of the Kotlin version used by the Gradle build and the version of the installed plugin, as well as the presence of multiple incompatible versions of the runtime.

Because the Groovy plugin picks up the Groovy compiler from the compile class path. (From what I remember, the Scala plugin picks it up from the .iml, which can easily be generated by the build.) Hence compilation results are guaranteed to be the same for build and IDE, provided that the compile class paths are exactly the same. Gradle does a good job of enforcing the latter these days.

I am trying to run a gradle project in IntelliJ IDEA. The project is cloned in WSL2 ubuntu instance. I have downloaded the JDK through the IDE in WSL, given the correct gradle home and set the JVM in the settings, and the project SDK is also set to the same.

In addition to these standard tasks, the plugin will also generate a set of experimental tasks that havetype resolution enabled. This happens for both, pure JVM projects and Android projects that havethe Android Gradle Plugin applied:

jdkHome is also available as an input. When this is unset, analysis is performed using the JDK classes of the JDK thatGradle is running with (shown by the ./gradlew --version command). This can be an issue if the Gradle JDK and theproject JDK doesn't match e.g. if Gradle runs under Java 8 but the project uses classes only available in Java 9 orhigher. Setting jdkHome to the Java 9 JDK path will allow for more correct analysis.

Gradle combines Kotlin language features with its capabilities to provide an elegant and extensible declarative build language that enables expressing any build clearly and understandably.Dynamically added elements of the build model, like project dependencies (when using version catalog) or subproject names in multi-project builds, benefit from static typing and IDE assistance.Gradle plugins extend Kotlin DSL by contributing extensions and tasks made available statically in build scripts.

Starting with Gradle 8.2, creating new builds using gradle init defaults to generating Gradle builds using Kotlin DSL.In IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1, creating a new Java application defaults to using Kotlin DSL.All wizards and templates default to using Kotlin DSL in Android Studio Giraffe.

We can generate IDEA project files with the IDEA plugin in our build file. IntelliJ IDEA has a Gradle plugin to import a Gradle project without first creating the project files. In this section, we learn how to use the Gradle plugin with IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.

(Optional) - To use the CodeArtifact repository as the only source for your project dependencies, remove any other sections in repositories from build.gradle. If you have more than one repository, Gradle searches each repository for dependencies in the order they are listed.

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