I have just read and signed the petition: "Protect Small farms and hobbyists. Say No to NAIS!" If this legislation goes through it will over-control and hurt small farmers and all but ignore large commercial farm operations in its effects...
Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. Please sign here:
Small farmers are up against a serious threat to our way of life. The USDA has been organizing big business meat producers to produce the NAIS- National Animal Identification System. In the NAIS it will be mandatory for every animal owner to purchase a premise ID number for their property and a microchip to be implanted in every animal. The avarage annual cost for the small farm is about $500 per year. USDA claims this program will allow them to track disease, but it won't. Most small farmers and livestock owners don't even know what the NAIS is. Once the mandation is in affect you will have to report to the USDA everytime an animal is born, dies, sold, bred, enters onto or leaves your property. If you don't report within 24-48 hours you will face a $500- $1000 fine per incident per animal per day. This will drive the small livestock farmer out of business
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