Stop Paulson's Plunder

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Sep 23, 2008, 11:14:29 AM9/23/08
to, the Aggressive Progressives - 500,000 strong and growing!

Stop Paulson's Plunder

George Bush wants taxpayers to give Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson a $700 billion blank check - $2,333 for every man, woman, and child -to bail out Wall Street for its reckless speculation and greed. That's on top of $1.1 trillion for other recent bailouts, including A.I.G., Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Bear Stearns. 

The Paulson Plan is a total outrage with no restrictions, no accountability, and no repair of the underlying problem of foreclosures on fraudulent mortgages. Each of Bush's previous bailouts was sold as a cure for the financial crisis, but each had little effect. The Paulson Plan achieves only one goal with certainty: stealing from the middle class to protect the rich.

The current financial crisis is the direct result of 28 years of rightwing Republican deregulation, corruption, and greed, which became fatally toxic under Bush-Cheney and the Republican Congress.

Congress must reject Paulson's Plunder and enact a plan with these progressive principles from the Backbone Campaign:

  • The people who caused the problem or profited most should pay for it
  • Re-regulate to prevent this from happening again
  • Include Main Street in the bailout and invest in a new productive economy

Email your Senators and Representative and spread the word:

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